⚪ Cutting Our Red String 🟡

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"Have you already taken your medicine?", Wheein asked her girlfriend Hyejin. She looked at her softly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Of course", Hyejin replied with a smile. She was still recovering from the surgery, but she was doing good.

"That's good", Wheein said. She was glad that Hyejin was out of the ICU and was well. She was gravely worried during her surgery a few days ago.

Hyejin had to undergo surgery to repair the damage in her tricuspid valve due to endocarditis*

*Endocarditis is inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers and heart valves (endocardium). It is caused by a bacterial or, rarely, a fungal infection. (Source: Penn Medicine)

She spent months in the hospital, with Wheein staying by her side. Now that the problem was resolved, she looked at her girlfriend with sleepy eyes.

"Are you sleepy now?"

"Kind of", Hyejin responded and yawned.

"Maybe you should rest now. Go to sleep", Wheein said firmly but gently.

"But I still want to talk to you..", Hyejin complained.

"Don't be stubborn, Hyejin"

Hyejin could see the sincerity in her girlfriend's face and it was adorable. How could she say no? She chuckled lightly, giving in. "Fine. I'll go to sleep now. Good night, Wheein. I love you."

"Hmm", Wheein only nodded, making Hyejin pout her lips and sulk.

Seeing Hyejin's reaction made Wheein chuckle as she stood up and gave Hyejin a forehead kiss. "I love you."

Hyejin blushed and slowly laid down. She looked at Wheein before she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Wheein watched Hyejin sleep for a while before she looked at her phone. There was a text and she read it. After reading the message, she put her phone down with a sigh. She looked at Hyejin once more, and walked close to her.

Wheein bent down and whispered, "I have to go now, Hyejin. I hope you live your best life without me. Be happy for me." She walked out of the room and out of the hospital.

Outside, heavy rain was pouring. Wheein walked slowly and she saw a car. The owner of the car opened the door for her as she rode in the backseat.

"Have you already bid her farewell?", the driver asked, getting inside the car.

"What does it matter? She's going to hate me anyway."

"Oh well. Suit yourself." The driver shrugged before starting the car and heading off.


Wheein got out of her car and sighed. She took a deep breathe. The air in Korea just felt so different compared to America. After all, this was the place where she was born and raised. She shook the thoughts off her head and stepped inside the restaurant which stood in front of her.

The place was quite busy, and Wheein was glad that she had made a reservation earlier. Wheein went to her table without any issue. She looked at the menu that a cheerful waiter handed to him. She quickly figured out what she wanted to eat. All that traveling made her hungry.

Wheein glanced at her hand and played with the ring on her finger while she waited for her order.

"Hey, hon. We're here!"

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