⚪ (Dys)Functional Family 🔴

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NO KIDS ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT (Except for me, of course.)

"How cute..." Moon Byul-i mumbled to herself when she looked at a baby in a stroller. She thought it would be fun to play with him.

Byul scanned the place and found no one. Huh. The parent must have gone to the bathroom or something. She thought that it would be a little unsafe to leave a baby in a restaurant unattended, but then there weren't other souls present except for her and the servers and the cooks back in the kitchen. There was nothing to be worried about.

Plus, the cashier watching the counter had a keen eye. Not to mention, there were CCTVs all over the establishment.

After making sure that it was okay, Byul bent down. She smiled and talked to the baby in a playful tone.

"Hey there. What's your name? Where's your dada?"

"Dada," the baby babbled, followed by cute laughter.

Byul quickly panicked. The baby just called her dada. "Oh, no, I'm not your dada."

The baby stretched out his hand, reaching out to Byul.
"Dada," he called out once more, this time louder.

Byul stood straight and turned around. When she did, she met the eyes of a lady behind her.

The lady was clearly stunned. She looked at Byul with extreme disbelief as she covered her mouth and uttered, "That-that... That was his first word."

It was as if thunder rumbled through Byul's soul. She immediately bowed and apologized, "I am so sorry! Please forgive me, Mrs.-"

"Ms." the lady corrected Byul.

Byul became even more ashamed. She wished the ground below her would just open up and swallow her right now. Her face was completely flustered with embarrassment.

"I-I'm really, really sorry," Byul stammered. Two strikes. One more and she would really die of shame.

The lady simply replied, "It's okay." She approached her baby and silently left with him.

Byul felt her chest. It was still pounding with nervousness. She walked over to Kim Yongsun in the counter with a big frown on her face.

"Yong..." , whined Byul.

Yong was doing her best not to laugh after witnessing the scene earlier. Like the lady, she also covered her mouth when she found out that the baby's first word was taught by Byul.

"It's okay, Byul! 괜찮아! You're gonna live," Yong chuckled, trying to cheer her suitor up.

Byul groaned. If she wasn't pursuing Yong, she would have already pinched her cheeks until they turned red. How was she supposed to know that the baby still hadn't said his first word? Even worse, she assumed that the lady was married. But why did she presume in the first place? The woman was nowhere near middle-aged. She actually seemed to be around Byul's age, if not younger.

Yong gave Byul's head a gentle pat. "I wouldn't have known any better myself. I've only seen that woman around town this week. She must be new here."

"I feel bad, Yong," Byul said.

"Well, it's not all rainbows in this world," was all Yongsun could tell Byul, as she gave her hand a firm squeeze.

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