⚪ Missed Kisses 🟡

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"Kiss! Kiss!"

The cheers of the others in the room was all Jung Wheein could hear. Her vision was starting to get blurry as she became fuddled. The alcohol in her system was enough to remove her shame as she thought 'Screw it' and decided to just get on with the stupid dare. She stood up staggering and emptied the bottle of beer in her hand before putting it down.

Wheein approached a freshman who was sitting across her. She didn't know her, but she had drank enough to not care about who this person was. As far as she knew, this freshman was the only one who looked a little decent in the room. She bent down and pressed her lips against hers without warning.

Kim Yongsun stepped into the room. As she looked around, she saw her best friend kissing someone. She quickly approached Wheein, scolding the others.

"Yah! What are you kids doing?! Go to sleep, you brats!" Yongsun yelled at the freshmen and sophomores as she helped Wheein stay on her feet.

The younger students groaned at Yongsun's nagging as they picked themselves up. They left the place smelling like alcohol, unable to walk straight.

Yongsun turned to the juniors and gave them a deadly glare. She knew they were also at fault for provoking the younger ones to drink and dragging Wheein along. Everyone quickly left, except for one.

"You guys know we don't drink here at the dorm. It's almost midnight, and tomorrow is Thursday. What the hell were you all thinking? How did you even get alcohol in?!"

"Come on, Yong. It's not like we're gonna do this every time. It's hell week and the weekend is not here yet", Yong's classmate said in a drunken protest, crossing her arms.

"So you decided to throw a goddamn party in the dorm on a school night? We're gonna get in trouble for this! You know what, you stupid corgi? Since you're probably the one who came up with this idea, maybe you should clean up. Go on, Moon Byul."

Yong's gaze was so sharp, that if not for the throbbing of her head, Moon Byul would've felt it drill holes through her skull.

"Ugh.. I'll clean it up tomorrow morning.." Moon Byul laid back on her bed. She could barely keep her eyes open now.

"Make sure this place is spotless when I wake up. Or else, you know I'm telling your friends a lousy secret of yours." Yongsun smirked as she then looked at the only freshman who was left there.

"Excuse me. What's your name?" Yongsun asked her

"I'm Ahn Hyejin", the freshman said in response. She wasn't tipsy and she spoke clearly. "I'm sorry for causing a mess, unnie. "

"Don't worry about it. You should go now. Sorry about what my friend did." Yongsun smiled apologetically.

"It's okay." Hyejin stood up. "I'll be going now", Hyejin said as she headed to the door and left.

"Be careful.." Yongsun watched her go. She sighed and looked at the knocked out Moon Byul, and then at her drunk best friend. She could hear Wheein mumbling something, but she didn't understand or know what.

Yong took Wheein to their room and carefully laid her down and tucked her in. As bad as she felt for her best friend, she couldn't deny how adorable Wheein still looked, even when her face was red like a strawberry. Yong smiled and gently poked at Whee-in's cheek. "Good night, Wheeinnie. Sweet dreams."

Yong stood up and went back to Moon Byul's room. She saw her classmate and sighed. She decided to place her on the bed properly.

"Stupid corgi", Yongsun muttered. She recalled the scene earlier. She caught herself and ignored the thought.

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