🟡🔴 Unnie, Please Stop Teasing Me 🔵⚪

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Author's Note:

Highly experimental chapter (Cringe Warning). Just a simple test to check how bad I am at writing using First Person Point of View. Don't read if you think you won't find it worth your time :)


Kwon Sim-yeon's POV

"I'm home!", I uttered in a full voice. I scanned the place as I closed the door behind me. I took my bag off and carried it with my hand.

"Welcome home, Sim-yeon," Yongsun unnie appeared from the kitchen and greeted me. She walked towards me with her usual bright smile.

"So, how was your day?" , Yongsun unnie asked, putting her arm over my shoulder.

"It was alright.." , I answered as cheerfully as I could. She's definitely gonna notice it if I gave away my exhaustion. The past few hours of my life had been filled with lessons on human anatomy and my head was heavy from all of the lectures. Med school is tough.

"I can see you're tired. Why don't you sit down for a bit while I cook dinner? The others will be home soon," Yongsun-unnie suggested. She gave me a gentle look before she walked back to the kitchen.

"Okay. Thank you, unnie," I responded, barely able to remain standing. I groaned as I stumbled to the nearby couch, swinging my bag beside me.

I took a deep sigh as I closed my eyes and sat back. No matter how much I tried to clear thoughts out of my head, it never seemed to work.

I opened my eyes and stood up with a clear grunt. I remembered that I still had to change my clothes, so I made my way to the bedroom.

I was about to get undressed when, "Do you need help getting undressed?", Byul-i unnie sat up on the bed out of nowhere

"AH!", I jumped back, hugging myself. "Ahh! What are you doing, unnie?! You scared me!", I complained to her.

I was definitely awakened by that jump scare, and I could still feel my heart beating so hard from the shock.

Despite being greatly surprised and having a look of worry on my face, Byul-i unnie simply laughed at me.

"For goodness' sake unnie, why are you even here?", I asked her. She was on Yongsun unnie's bed, something that was unusual.

"I'm just chilling here," she replied with a calm tone. "The kids aren't here yet, so.."

"Okay..?", I responded. Her answer was vague and I still don't get it. Can't she just chill in her own room?

"Now about my offer...", she looked at me with a naughty smile on her lips before she winked.

"Please get out," I pointed to the door as quickly as my face started to burn red.

Byul-i unnie grinned and gave me a swift scan before she left the room in silence.

The way Byul-i unnie left without protest was surprising. But the looking me up and down was not. Somehow, I'm starting to get used to it.

Byul-i unnie is a perverted devil. Speaking of her, now that she's out of the room, I could finally get changed.

I threw myself on my bed as soon as I was dressed. I closed my eyes for a bit, but I could not fight back the exhaustion.

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