🔴 Girl Friend ≠ Girlfriend 🔵

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Kim​ ​Yongsun had been Moon Byul-i's best friend for as long as she could remember. Now that they were in college, Moon Byul often wondered how Yongsun and her had been best friends for almost fifteen years; especially because they met in one of the worst ways possible.



"Hey, that's my chair!", five-year-old Yongsun uttered.

The five-year-old Moon Byul woke up from her nap. She wiped off the drool in her mouth with her sleeves as she opened her eyes. "Who are you?", asked Moon Byul, looking up at Yongsun.

"I'm Yongsun. This is my chair," Yongsun declared, tapping the chair that Moon Byul was sitting on.

"But I'm sitting here...", Moon Byul complained.

Yongsun's eyebrows met in the middle. She glared and frowned. "Stand up!", she demanded.

"No! I'm sitting here! Hmph!" Moon Byul crossed her arms, refusing to move.

Yongsun growled as her hand curled into a fist. She stepped towards Moon Byul and brought down her clenched hand on the crown of Moon Byul's head.

Moon Byul wailed as soon as Yongsun hit her head.
"Wahhhh!", she cried out, loud enough for the whole class to hear. She stood up and with all the strength she had in her tiny arms, pulled both of Yongsun's round cheeks.

The gesture was enough to make tears roll down Yongsun's face.

Yongsun whined, urging the teacher to come towards the two.

Thankfully, before anything else could happen, the teacher was able to separate them and prevent a big fight.

The next day, Moon Byul and Yongsun were brought together to apologize and make peace. After much coaxing from their parents, they finally faced each other to ask for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry for hitting you, Byul-i," said Yongsun with an apologetic face.

"Sorry for hitting you too, Yongsun-ah," Moon Byul replied.

"Hug?", Yongsun offered and spread her arms wide open.

Moon Byul nodded her head. She then embraced Yongsun who was oblivious to the mischievous smile on Moon Byul's face.


Grade Three

"Yongdonnie, let me copy your homework," urged Moon Byul.

"Give me candy first," Yongsun replied, making Moon Byul frown.

"Can I just buy you some later?", Moonbyul suggested.

"Nope," Yongsun refused and crossed her arms, "candy first," she uttered.

Moon Byul couldn't do anything but agree to Yongsun's demands. She opened her bag and scooped up some candy, presenting a handful to Yongsun.

"Here," Yongsun grinned and gladly handed Moon Byul her notebook. "Don't copy everything."

"Thanks, Yongdonnie!"


High School

"Hey, yeba!" Moon Byul greeted Yongsun as she put her arm over her shoulders.

"Aishh, you corgi, lower your voice. We're in the hallway," Yongsun reminded Moon Byul. She looked around and casually placed her hand on Moon Byul's waist.

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