⚪ Fix Me 🔵

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Wheein sighed as she looked outside of the plane window. She saw the earth below and her mind started wandering off to Hyejin, but she quickly stopped herself. She already promised herself that she would move on. She shook her head and she was going to stand up, if it wasn't for the woman who sat beside her.

Wheein looked at the woman and noticed she was crying as she slept on her shoulder.

Wheein hesitated to stand up, especially when she noticed that the woman was crying.

"No.. Don't go... Please..." , the woman mumbled in her sleep.

Wheein felt guilty somehow. She took out a handkerchief and gently tapped the woman's arm, waking her up.

The woman opened her eyes and saw Wheein.

Wheein gestured to her eyes and the woman wiped her tears, a little embarrassed.

"Thanks.." , the woman uttered.

Wheein nodded and smiled curtly before she stood up.

Hours later, the plane landed in the airport. Wheein got off with a big sigh. She hoped that coming back to America would give her the freedom she needed, away from the heartaches of the past.

Months would then pass, and Wheein went on with her life. She found a little bit of comfort in her solitude, and she often played the piano in her apartment. Somehow, someone would always reply to her with another piano note.

Wheein had been tempted to find out where and who the other pianist was, but she knew it was not important. What was important was that she was finally moving on... Or not.

Taehyung called Wheein one day. With a soft tone, he informed Wheein that Hyejin was pregnant with her and Hyuk-woo's second child.

Wheein couldn't do anything but cry silently. She had told herself over and over again to get over Hyejin. However, her heart was still so stubborn. She was still hurting like hell and she could only shed tears to ease the pain.

The next morning, Wheein woke up with puffy eyes. She went out of her apartment to get some air and bumped into the woman who lived across her. Wheein recognized the woman as the same person who she sat next to on the plane. "You.."

"I'm sorry, do I know you..?", the woman asked Wheein.

"Oh, I don't think we've met before. Sorry.."

"That's alright. You live across me, right?"


"You are my neighbor, then", the woman smiled and her round cheeks became prominent.

For some reason, Wheein wanted to squeeze the woman's cheeks. She quickly brushed off the urge, thinking it was a weird thought.

Wheein continued with her day despite having a headache from not getting enough sleep last night. She drove around the town and visited the properties she owned. She only returned to her apartment later that evening to eat some dinner. She was planning to go out to get some drink.

Suddenly, right after she had finished eating, Wheein heard knocking on her door. She raised a brow as she wondered who it could be. It was odd for someone to come looking for her. She owned the place so it couldn't be the landlady. She was also sure that no one knew her here. In all the five months that she had been living in her apartment, no one had visited her.

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