🟡 Stained Glass Minds 🔴

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(Lunatic × Maria)
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"Good morning, Doc," Wheein greeted her colleague.

"Morning," Yongsun replied with a smile. She eyed Wheein with her soft gaze. But her smile disappeared when she glanced at the door behind her.

The change in expression made Wheein raise a brow. "New patients?"

"Visitors," Yongsun asserted. She held the paper in her hands with a tight grip. Looking at her watch, she found that it was almost time.

Any moment now, the security staff will walk through the door accompanying whoever was sent to the facility for treatment. Yet this time, Yongsun was certain that things were bound to be far more complicated than usual.

Wheein tried reading Yongsun's mind. This colleague of her had always been an enigma, and her unpredictability enthralled her. "Care to introduce me to them?", she asked.

"You didn't read the papers in your desk, did you?" Yongsun replied with a knowing smirk.

Wheein scratched her head, her dimple appearing in her cheek. "You know me, Doc. Come on."

Yongsun rolled her eyes and smiled. She examined the paper in her hand and opened her mouth.

"So you didn't read the report either, huh?" Wheein pointed out with a grin, seeing that Yongsun struggled to find the right words to begin with.

"I skimmed through this earlier.." Yongsun mumbled. All of a, sudden the paper no longer looked the same to her. She could swear that there was a cover page in the document before the pages that contained the first bit of information.

Wheein walked over to Yongsun, wondering, "Hey, isn't there supposed to be a cover page here?"

"I was thinking the same thing. It just jumps into the first page." Yongsun caught a glimpse of Wheein's narrowed eyes scanning the paper.

"Hmm. What have we here... Moon Byung-i...? That's a strange name.."

"Doc, that's a rieul." Yongsun pointed the character out, emphasizing it with her forefinger. "You really need to lay off the caffeine."

Wheein blinked a couple of times. "Oh, you're right," Her lips curved into a sheepish smile, "It is a rieul. Huh... Maybe I do need to take it easy with the coffee."

"But anyway.." Yongsun cleared her throat. "Moon Byul-i.." she muttered upon reading the name and taking note of the photo.

Long, dark red hair framing a thin face.

Wheein pondered. The face was quite familiar. Where had she seen it before? Moon Byul-i. Moon..

"What in the.." Wheein's eyes widened when she realized. "Yongsun, this woman is.."

"Yeah?" Yongsun turned to her colleague just as two muscular men entered the room.

The doctors stood aside as the men, dressed in black shirt and pants, brought in two women. Both had red hair, and Wheein recognized the other as Moon Byul-i. The other she didn't.

Moon Byul-i had a composed stature until the man escorting her let go of her. Her calm demeanor turned childlike, a silly grin carved on her face.

Wheein was taken aback by the instant change. She turned her attention to the other patient, who had the complete opposite expression of Moon's.

"You can let go now," Yongsun told the man who held the other woman. The man obeyed, and the other followed him as he stepped back and stood in the corner of the room.

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