🔴🔵 Skin, Wings, Fangs, Scales ⚪🟡

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🍋🌶️🌶️🌶️ (Unhinged, crazy, a bit violent, and uhm also, this might be longgg, sooo.)

21st century. Not the best years for clichés and drama. But it is definitely the perfect time for inhuman creatures, such as Moon Byul-yi, a 1000-year-old gumiho.

Moon Byul chose to spend her immortal existence with humans beings. She had seen the present day Korea rise from the Goryeo and Joseon era, past all the wars.

Of course, it was not only Korea's progression that Moon Byul witnessed. She was there during the other events that proved significant to the history of the world. She learned of things that were humans and studied them as well.

As interesting as it seemed at first, it all became boring. Immortality had become a curse for Moon Byul, and it would have remained that way for her if not for her companions.

Now that the humans were moving past the folktales and myths, it was important to keep up. Moon Byul and her companions decided to adapt.

Each of them owned companies in the country. This allowed them to mask their real identities and blend into society with ease.

"My Gansan!" Moonbyul entered the office of Kim Yongsun with a loud greeting.

"Oh, God." Yongsun rolled her eyes. She groaned when her lips burned but she ignored the pain. Being able to express her annoyance was worth its price.

In an instant, Moon Byul's face appeared only inches away from Yongsun's. She grinned with absolute menace before Yongsun pushed her away.

"Is that any way to treat your darling?" Moon Byul asked in a playful tone. She placed both of her arms against Yongsun's desk and looked down at her.

Yongsun glanced up, her forehead creased. "What do you want, fox?"

"You." Moon Byul answered, a smirk carved in her lips.

"Leave me alone," demanded Yongsun. She stood up and opened the curtains in the office. The sun had just set, but her skin was still pierced by the fading light.

"Woah.! Careful now, Gansan." Moon Byul rushed to Yongsun and held her hand to check it.

"Tch." Yongsun scoffed and took back her hand. "Where is Hyejin and Wheein?"

"They're.. Hmm.." Moon Byul's fox ears made their appearance as she searched. After a few moments, she finally heard the two. They were... Kissing..? Err.. She shook her head and her human ears returned. "They're on their way here."

Yongsun looked at her watch and tapped her foot. "Why are they taking so long?"

"You're more concerned about them?" Moon Byul feigned hurt.

"You need to get rid of whatever is making you think I will even care about you." Yongsun turned her back on Moon Byul.

Moon Byul sighed. She embraced Yongsun from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder. Despite hearing Yongsun's defiant growl, she kept hugging her. "Don't be like that. I missed you," she whispered.

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