⚪ Teach Me Not To Play With Fire 🔵

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Wheein crouched down to examine the fire truck's exterior. Her fingers began trailing across the red paint that time had begun to wear down. For years, the vehicle had helped save plenty of lives, yet at the moment it looked like it needed salvation instead. She stood up to find Jungkook, a fellow firefighter and a colleague of hers. She found her easily, with the man's hair being a bright red and his arms full of tattoos.

“Hey, JK,” Wheein called out to him.

Jungkook stopped pacing back and forth. He glanced up at Wheein, eyes wide and sweat trickling down his forehead.

For a second, Wheein was reminded of the fire that burned down a house earlier that month. She thought she smelled smoke and felt flames around her after seeing Jungkook's expression. “Something wrong?”

Jungkook scratched his head. “Well, you know how there will be a class touring the station today?”

The information made Wheein raise a brow. “That was today?”

“Yeah.. And I...” Jungkook looked at his watch. 2:47 pm. He gulped. “I need a favor, Wheein.”

Wheein's eyes narrowed as her heart started to pace faster with anticipation. “What kind of favor, Jungkook?”

“Please take my place and lead the tour here!” Jungkook blurted out.

Wheein shook her head, almost as a reflex. “No, no, no. Jungkook, you know I don't do well with crowds!”

Jungkook began talking with his hands, “Yes, Whee, I know! But please- I need to pick up my girlfriend. Come on, please? They'll be here in ten minutes..”

“And why are you only telling me this now?” Wheein caught a glimpse of herself and saw that she only had her tank top on. She rushed to the lockers to find her shirt.

Jungkook ran after Wheein. “Whee, please do this for me. I'll return the favor sometime. I just need to get my girl and-”

“Jungkook, you know I don't like talking in public,” June glared as she picked up a clean black shirt and put it on.

“Yeah, but come on. It's not like you have to say a lot,” Jungkook emphasized. Wheein pushed her out of the way but he continued following her. “Besides, this is your opportunity to socialize outside of the fire station.”

“I think I socialize enough outside of work, thank you very much,” Wheein retorted. She headed to the bathroom to wash her face.

“Visiting your mom on weekends doesn't count,” Jungkook argued. He stood near the sink with a persistent gaze. “Jung Wheein, you're the toughest firefighter I know, yet you can't handle a simple tour around the station?”

Wheein splashed water on her skin before replying, “I can. I just don't want to. You're better off asking Chief to do it.”

Jungkook's face turned sour. “Not that dude. Hell no. He's like you and the devil combined!”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Wheein turned to Jungkook with a hard stare.

“That you can't deal with people,” Jungkook pointed out.

“I can, but I won't,” Wheein responded.

“Oh yeah?” Jungkook smirked. “Prove it then,” he dared.

Wheein took a deep breath. As much as Jungkook was getting on her nerves, she felt the need to prove him wrong. Besides that, it would be a disaster to have the Chief cracking dad jokes and boring the students. “Fine. Fine. I'll do it. You'll see, Jeon Jungkook.”

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