Author's Fix

19 3 0

Hello there!

I haven't been able to post an update in a while, but.. Here it is, folks. I've actually been preparing for this.. Uh.. How do I even begin to explain this..

A new tide begins! Yes, I have decided to refer to the 'cycles' of ships as 'tides', because it makes more sense.

And yes, I'll be using a new cover for Sea of Radishes. Which, as you can see, has less text and less stuff compared to the previous one.

Anyhow, like the previous tide, we'll be going through each of the ships again, maybe add a few special chapters here and then. 🍋🌶️ still stands (I mean, come on).

I'll always be open for comments, criticism, suggestions, challenges, etc., so...

I guess I'll see you :)

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