🟡 Liquid Courage 🔴

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Ahn Hyejin kissed Moon Byul-i like there was no tomorrow. She drank her lips, trying to quench a seemingly endless thirst. She was pressed against the wall. Her arms were around Moon Byul's neck and her legs straddled Moon Byul's hips.

How did things end up like this? How did Hyejin end up making out with this one wildfire of a bartender?

Hyejin really wasn't that hard of a drinker. At least not anymore. She had promised herself not to drink any more than a glass of alcohol. In the past, she was almost kidnapped after drinking so much. She had learned her lesson since then, and made a vow to only drink on special occasions.

Somehow, somewhat, her two best friends-Kim Yongsun and Jung Wheein-were able to convince her to go with them to this bar.

Moonlight Bar. The place opens at 6 in the evening and closes at 4 in the morning. It was a neat space. The usual noise, darkness and colored lights. The security outside wasn't tight. They only asked for Wheein's ID, but otherwise, they let the three in without hassle. However early the place opened, the peak visiting hours are usually 8 to 11.

Why, you ask?

Well, simply because the legendary bartender Moon Byul-i works during these hours. She often entertains the regular customers and visitors, charming them with her knowledge in liquor and bartending, plus her high alcohol tolerance. She makes both boys and girls fall for her. To add to the fun, there was really no one else like Moon Byul, not even in the other branches of the bar.

Moon Byul was one of the reasons why Yongsun dragged Hyejin along to Moonlight Bar.

Apart from the fact that she was a party animal, Yongsun wanted Hyejin to know about Moon Byul. She knew her friend was a hopeless romantic who often got her heart broken. She hoped Moon Byul could teach Hyejin a lesson or two about flirting and only flirting.

Wheein had her own reasons to be here. For one, she didn't want to be a killjoy. Secondly, she wanted Hyejin to stop being so serious about people so easily. Thirdly, someone had to watch Yongsun, because drunk Yongsun often helped people figure out their sexuality- including Wheein herself.

Hyejin looked around. The bar was spacious and well-designed. She sat down on a couch with Yongsun and Wheein.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, you two?", Hyejin asked her friends

"Why are you chickening out, Hyejin? We're already here! Live a little, will you?", Yongsun exclaimed

"Yongsun's right, Hyejin", Wheein responded. Although she did wish she was home right now, playing with her cat Ggomo and painting, it wouldn't hurt to drink.

"I don't know.. What if something bad happens..?", Hyejin stated hesitantly

"Wow, Hyejin. You spent way too much time with that paranoid, good boy ex of yours. What's the worse that could happen? There's three of us!" , Yongsun argued with Hyejin. Her friend's timidity was starting to get boring.

"That's right, Yong. Three of us. One party animal with low alcohol tolerance, a nerd with the job of handling you, and an easily drunk me who almost got kidnapped!", Hyejin retorted. It was actually worrying to be with these two.

"Calm down, the two you. The party hasn't even started yet, and you're already being so loud", Wheein tried to interfere and stop the two from fighting.

"Thank you very much for that, Wheein", Hyejin replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome", Wheein said in her usual, calm tone.

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