2: The new school

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" You looked great, son. The uniform looks amazing on you, and you have the earrings on."

I nodded, mom loved the way I looked. Just look like a hybrid and supernatural. All hybrids and supernaturals hate the gods and their godlings because of the sacrificing humans or any of their kind to the gods. I hate them too because my parents told me the stories. I wore both of them and I had one showing, the other was hiding behind my hair. I have long hair, but it only up to my neck. I had it tied in a mini ponytail.

We were in the car and I knew this high school. This is one where I passed when I am going to get groceries. I left the car and I closed the door, I said bye to my mom. She smiled, then she drove off in a hurry because the godlings and gods are always watching. I heard a familiar voice behind me and I turned around. I saw Zayn calling my name and I walked to her. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

" I am excited, you came to this school. The office knows about you, they wanted me to tour you around the school. Also, you are in my homeroom class, isn't it exciting?"

I smiled at Zayn, she was only a few months older than me. But she is so childish sometimes, she is still single for some reason. I told to get a lover or something. But she didn't want to yet, she wants to enjoy her single life while it lasted. She handed me my schedule, and I stared at it. It does had my favorite to do. Plus the mandatory courses, I sighed as we got into the building. There were a lot of magical beings in this school, main foyer. 

" I need to warn you, all the godlings go to this school. Your parents told me to protect you as much as I can from them. If they find out, we can't think of the outcomes of it. So, steer clear of them, most of them are full of themselves and self-absorb. Especially, Ryker, " I knew that name, he was the son of the God of death, darkness and destruction. " I know him, my parents told me about all of the gods and godlings. I am guessing he is the leader of the godlings, " I whispered to her and she nodded. 

I was right, and she led me around the school. Showing the classes and the other places, the main offices and more important offices. Then we went to our homeroom class, we are in the same one anyways. She knocked the door and the teacher opened the door. " I seen you showed our newest student around school, Zayn, " the teacher said in a kind voice. 

But then, Zayn whispered something into my ear. " I forgot to mentioned Ryker is in this class, as well as some of the godlings."

I told it was okay, then the teacher let us in. The teacher looked at me, " I want you to have this, for your parents. I also worked for them, so you need to get this note to them, " the teacher handed me a note and I nodded.

" Class, this is our newest student of the school. Zion Cascade, please introduce yourself, " the teacher announced and I smiled at the class.

" Hi, my name is Zion Cascade. I am 17 years old, I am tech hybrid/supernatural and I hope I get to know all of you, " I said and Zayn gave me a thumbs.

" Okay, Zion, you will sit beside Ryker Abaddon, " my eyes widened and I stared at Zayn. She looked concerned, I am guessing there were no more seat. Except the one with the one guy I don't want to sit beside. I saw the one empty seat and I sat at the desk, I turned my head. Ryker looked creepy. He had raven long hair with red highlights, he wore a dark red necklace and had so many ear piercings. One lip stud on his lip, he wore the same uniform as me. He had red and black eyes.

I looked away quickly, " Okay Class, today we are learning about....."

I started to take notes as well as everyone was too. This is my math class after I did love math as a kid, but now I don't know really now. I was homeschooled for most of my life, so I have to get use to this school. I felt like someone was staring at me and I turned to my head to my left. Ryker was staring at me with a weird expression. I turned my head to face my notes and I kept writing and kept listened to the teacher.


I left to go to my next class, which was tech. But Zayn stopped me, " I saw Ryker was staring at you, you looked uncomfortable there. Are you okay?"

I sighed, " Yeah, he was staring at me during class. I don't know why, plus is there something I need to know about him like a warning." I looked at my best friend with hopeful eyes, she smiled as we walked down the school halls. We were at my locker because I didn't got time to put my stuff into my locker. The good news was it's besides Zayn's locker. " Yes, there's a few warnings I should tell you about. He is a heartbreaker, he plays with multiply people's feelings. He is the best at sports, he is a great manipulator and he is like his father. A leader, and he will do anything to get his way. Even during hunting nights, you know that, " Zayn warned me, I took mental notes of those warnings.

" Plus, he is an straight A+ student. He is intelligent like you, so you need to make sure you go under his radar."

I got my stuff and Zayn went to her classes. I went to mine, I really need to go under the godlings' radar. They are all corrupted and I will do everything in my power to stop them. But for now, I need to go under their radar. 

I made it to my tech class, the teacher knew I was the new kid. I had to wait for the other kids, I sat at an desk. But I was one of the first ones here, I love tech because I loved to code, programming and help me with my tech powers. I really want to use my other powers, but for now, I need to stay safe, stay hidden and pretend.

But for now, as long as I am under all of their radar. I should be good for now. 

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