16: Lullaby of the purity

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TW: Mentioned of abuse

4 week later...

It's almost midnight blood night, in a few days from now. I sighed, I was in the cave because I need some peace and quiet. I tried to get it done, but Mom was causing another fight at home with dad about her mental health. So, I left home after the fight got worse and went here at the cave, plus I had homework. I didn't have time at school to do it. So, I am here at the cave, doing my homework. Ryker was busy with his afterschool lessons again.

I got new wounds from my mother again, on my arms. But I tried my best to treat them very well, yet, they don't look too pretty. I was working on my tech work, I had to code some code as homework. I was almost done anyways, just a few more twerks of this code then I should be done. Kept working on the code, and then I heard a song. I knew this song, my older brother sang it to me. I looked up from my laptop, I saw sphere of light in front of the pedestal.

I recognized that song, it called of Lullaby of the purity. My dad told me that lullaby was made for me, I didn't know why it was meant for me. I always knew all the words of the song because I will ask my older brother to sing it to me when our parents were fighting. I loved that song, might be imagining of it. I heard the voices or sounds that aren't there since Caspian's death. I kept working on the code, then I heard it again, the same soft melody.

I finished the code up and I got up, then went towards the pedestal and I stared at the orb. It was male voice singing, why does it sound familiar? I looked at orb, then it disappeared but the voice kept singing. It wants me to put my hand on the pedestal, so who will I see from the realm of the dead this time?

The few last times were only my grandmother and that's it. I saw her sometimes to her about my mom and her abuse I had to endured for a while. My grandmother wanted to scold her, but she can't because she is the realm of the dead. She just travel through realms, I could do that too, but I like living here in Everbloom. It's my home and my birthplace, so I can't leave this place. But I have to on one point of my life, yet, not now. I need to stop something first.

I stared at the pedestal, I touched my forehead. The crystal is still there. I put my hand on the pedestal and let's see what it wants me to see.

The breeze was nice, not too cold, not too windy. I wondered what the spirit wants from me, I heard the song again. But it was faint, I could hear it and I decided to followed it. I walked through my mindscape, I hear the song keep getting louder and louder when I kept following it. But then, when I made to it an meadow it stopped.


I decided to go back, because there was nothing here. Then I hear it again, it started to sing again. I stopped in my place and I turned back towards to the voice. Why do I recognized that voice? It's.... sounds like..... him.

I saw an figure in the clearing, I started to questioned if I should go back or stay here. I sucked it up, then went towards the figure. When I got closer, I recognized them, it was really him. But he is dead, he can't be here. That song, he was the only other person who knew it. I thought he was in the spirit realm. But why is here? In the Everbloom realm, I quietly walk towards to figure and my eyes widened when I was closer to them and I knew it was him.

" Caspian."

That was all I said, and the figure looked at me. He smiled at me, " I am glad you remember me, dear little brother, " it was his voice, the Everbloomian accent he had, exactly like dad's. I cried, after three years since I saw him. He was always there for me, I cried and cried as I ran towards him. I hugged him so tight, he hugged me back too.

" I missed you, " I cried in his arms, I spend three years without him. Cry so fucking hard, letting out all the emotions I held for three years. I had to dealing with my mother's scolding, being alone, having only one friend, suffered the abuse from my mother during arguments. All those emotions, yearning to be let out. I missed Caspian, he was the only other person who I talked about my emotions with. I fucking missed Caspian, missed his comfort, his song and his voice. He was my brother after all.

" It's been so long since I saw you, Z-bug. You are so much older, you changed, did you?" He remarked about me, he wiped my tears. I looked at him, " I did after you died, I had to deal with mom and her problems. Dad just stood there,  but sometimes he stops mom from hitting me. But when he is not there, mom hits me or give me burn wounds and her verbally abuses. I really missed you, it's been three years, Cassy. Three. I had to fucking deal with mom and her problems over and over again. I used to treated my own wounds, but Ryker helps me, " I told him everything and he listened to me.

He smiled, " I am happy that Ryker is not really evil or corrupted. I wanted to warn you, that's why I lured you with the lullaby. Mom doesn't look as she seems, the gods are not really corrupted. They are actually only 10% corrupted, they rest is fine about them. I want you to trust Ryker from now, don't believe what say about the gods or the godlings. Just trust me, okay," he held my shoulder as he warned me. 

I was confused and terrified. What does he means about mom isn't what she seems? " Don't let her win or anything, okay? I want you to stay near Ryker after school or when he is available. But on midnight blood night, I need you to sneak out of house and come back to the cave. From there, Ryker will help you. Okay, do you understand?"

I need to trust Cassy on this, " Okay, I will trust you on this."

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