17: Midnight blood night (pt. 1)

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I kept my older brother's warnings in my head, I was a little distracted in school. But I managed though, I need to trust Cassy on this. I really need to. It was lunch, and I was holding a note in my hand saying meet someone at the janitor closet at lunch. So that's where I am going right now, I was in front of the door. But who wanted to meet me here? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned quickly, then I was about to punch them.

But they stopped me, it was Ryker. " You know, you need to stop sneaking up on me, right, " I scolded him and he laughed if off. " Tonight is midnight blood night, " he told me as I was listening him and I knew that. I have to go to the cave tonight, " I will meet you at the cave, tonight. I have to sneak out of my house because my parents will lock down my house. "

We thought of a plan so I can escape from my house or the bunker. Because the house is like bunker, and it was basement house. Or underground house. When the plan was set, we need to wait for school to end then, the plan will be motion.


" Mom, I have done my homework. Now can you stop worrying over me?" I told to her and she was on mom mode because it was midnight blood night. I was changed into clothes that are dark because it will night a two hours from now. I need keep mom distracted for very long time. I need to make that illusion or else I am screw as fuck.

But something about mom that doesn't seems right, I knew she was been off for all of my life. She is like she is lying to me about something, but I don't know what it is. I really want to know what she is lying about to me. But I need to be careful around her now and I need to put the plan in action. I sighed and I went to my room, I let Roy out of my room for the plan. I need to make that illusion, but only Roy can see through it. But I trained him to make sure he doesn't ruin the illusion. Back when I was a kid, the only ability I was good at was illusion. 

Caspian taught me how to use them when I was a kid. But with him gone, I have to learn on my own. Now, I have Ryker's help to help me control my powers and that school I go to. I sighed and I focused on my magic, then I felt the surge of magic through my body. Then I created the illusion, I sighed and I looked at the time. It's only 10:38 pm. 

I teleported out of my room and I was at the lake. I turned off my glamour and I walked to the cave. Knowing it was midnight blood night and I need to be careful. I walked through the path and I don't want my parents be in my business for this. I can protect myself, I am not a kid anymore. Ok yes, I am seventeen, but I am not a kid who needs protection from people who were bad or something. I just want to live a life without fear haunting me 24/7 in my life. 

I was so lost in thought thinking about things, but then I hit my head on the wall of the cave. I rubbed my forehead and I was already at the cave. All I need to do is wait for midnight and everything will be fine. 

I walked through the cave and I stopped in front of the pedestal and I sat on the cold stone floor. My back to the stone wall, I hope my mom doesn't see through my illusion. I just need to wait for Ryker. So, I decided to put my headphone on and I played some music from my phone. All I need to do is wait...


I stared at my phone scrolling through Youtube, watching random videos about funny moments. I also stared at the time, it was getting closer by the minute. I gulped I need to be prepare for Ryker in his corrupted form. I need to stay calm for this, and I took my headphones off. I heard the song again, I knew the time was coming very close. I need to stay calm, Caspian told me before I left the mindscape world that Ryker might mark me on this night. So I need to be prepare for that too, I glance at the prophecy at the far wall. 

I will need Ryker's help to stop the evil in this world as the corruption. But mom thinks killing the corrupted godlings will destroy the corruption. But that's not it, there's more to the corruption and there is something. Mom has to do something with it, Cassy warned something about my mother. She's not what she seems like Caspian said. Something about mom isn't right. I could feel it, I just know it and Ryker shivers when I mentioned that my mom abuses me sometimes.

Then I heard the bell from the distance, it is time. Let the hunt begin...

A/N: I am sorry if this is short, I promise the next chapter is longer. I also apologized for not posting a lot of chapters because I was stressed and worried about high school and the situation with my family. But I will try my best to post as many chapters as I can. I hope you guys understand.

~ Silverelle Evelyn  

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