7: A Symbol

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I woke up at 8:29 am, I knew it was the weekends. Roy was snuggled on my top shelf, I smiled as I saw him asleep. I love that cat, I went to my personal bathroom. I turned on the lights and I looked into the mirror and then I gasped. There was a symbol of something on my arm, it look like light symbol. Then I remember my mother's words about the symbols.

" If a symbol show up on your arm, that's means your light magic is getting stronger."

Fuck, this is back. I need to keep wearing long sleeves again. I am out of foundation again because mom keeps taking mine over and over. I need to be careful, godlings are everywhere. I know it. Plus in a week, it's hunting night. I can't let anyone see this, even my parents. I know they want to be protective of me because I am the one from the prophecy. But I know there is more to it. 

My parents will never tell me about it. I went to get for the day and I feed Roy before I left the safety of my bunker. I know my parents are overprotective, I get it. I wore a hoodie to hide my arms and I saw mom was making breakfast. 

" Hey mom."

She turned her head and she smiled, then she greeted me. " Morning Zion, how are you today?" I smiled at her, " I am great, just a little tired. Plus I am going to lake again, to be alone, " I said and mom stared at me.

" You are not supposed to be alone at the lake, remember that? Plus hunting night is in a week, prior. But since this is your life, you make own decisions. But you need to be back before noon, I know you are going to try to practice your magic. So be careful, plus make sure you need to use glamour. When you are at the lake, also here is your breakfast for the day."

After I ate, I went to the lake. I had my glamour on and I was at the lake. It was foggy today, just like I like it. I need to focus on my light magic and I closed my eyes. I tried to focus on my powers, I felt the shine of the light on me. But then it stopped, I opened my eyes. I failed again. Why can't I get this fucking right?

I am failure, maybe I am not the one from the prophecy like my parents proclaimed to be. I am just some failure or joke. I am the reason why my older brother got killed. I fell onto my knees, why do I always mess up?

My parents think I am the one from the prophecy. What if Caspian was the one? I rolled up my sleeve. I saw the symbol was glowing, it glowed for a few moments. Then stopped, I stared at it and I looked around me. The fog get thicker, the sky turn dark and I knew what was coming, when there is thick fog or darker sky. I went behind a tree, I covered my mouth and I heard voices of the gods. 

This happens once a month. Mostly people will hide in building or houses, but I am here out in the forest. This is the life being a Everbloomian. I was breathing so hard and I heard the gods of the voices. Saying they were looking for the one from the prophecy, me. But they don't know who I am.

They go on this hunt every once a month. But it is usually over in 10 minutes of the search, I was right. It was over. I need to keep practicing my powers and I need to be careful when I am alone. 


I made back home, my parents were still at work. I saw Roy was roaming the house and he walking through the living. I saw the photo on the wall of Caspian, the frame was broken. He was my big brother, he is was 4 years older than. He's been there for me when I was down, he took care of me when I was sick or injured. He was there when I was in my darkest times, but he was gone because of me. 

I sighed and I took the photo off the wall. Then I went off to fix it and I sat on a chair. I saw the glass of the frame was broken and I tried to use my powers. As I was using my powers, I felt the energy. The glass of the frame started to be fixed and I was amazed. Why didn't I start to do some simple things?

Then I remember Caspian told me once, " Start with simple things, then start with some difficult things, then over time, your powers will get stronger under your control. You are stronger than you think, Zion."

I am such an idiot for forgetting about that. 

Then I saw the glass of the frame was already fixed. I did it, maybe I should start with simple things, then over time maybe I will have perfect control over my powers. 

Roy tried to jumped onto the cabinet on the wall. But it was too high for him and I used my telekinesis to catch Roy. I caught him in time, I put him on the ground. Then I scolded him about it, he meowed at me. I sighed and I let him go. I decided to watch the news and I grabbed the remote to the TV. I turned the news on, I watched the news as Roy climbed the couch and then he lay in my lap. I listened to the news about Everbloom and other realms. Then I heard something about hunting night where all the godlings will be hunting for souls to devour. 

Calm down Zion, you will be fine.

I told myself I will be fine, I am always home during these times. I know I will be fine and I kept watching the news, but then they mentioned midnight blood hunting night is in a few months. Oh boy, the night and the day I am not allowed to leave the house. 

After a few more minutes, the news reporters were done talking about the hunting nights. They started to talk about some strange things started to happened around Everbloom. Strange, those things never happened before. But these only happened when midnight blood night is near. But it's too early for that, yet, it's Everbloom.

Then they started to talk about the prophecy, how the strange events that happened is related to the prophecy. As well, the gods and the godlings will start looking for the child of light. I knew there was more to it, then I saw the symbol of one of my marks. The one I was born with. Why are they talking about this now? This isn't good, my parents will get more protective of me. I need to be careful now, the gods and the godlings are looking for me, but they don't know who the chosen one looks like. They don't know it's me, I have to be more careful these days.

A/N: I am back, everyone. I am so sorry I was away for so long, I do apologized for it. But now, I might not post as much because of a family emergency. I am not doing well because what happened to one of my parents, I've stressed about the situation as well as my family. It's been a stressful and rough week for me and my family. But I tried my best to post as many chapters for this story. I hope you all have a wonderful day/noon/afternoon/night, my constellations crew!

~ Silverelle Evelyn  

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