Kamaile 🌱 Finale Part 13

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Ceremonies had taken place. The arrival of Kaumuali'i to the area, brought multitudes to pay their respects. The gathering brought visitors from near and far, mauka to makai. There were feasts and celebrations, music and hula, it was an enjoyable time for all.

Both Chief's, Ha'ikū and Kahi'au enjoyed themselves as well, holding court within the chiefs circle.
Soldiers at the ready, their Ohana included. Chiefess Leimomi along with Manaleo sat next to them, enjoying the festivities. "Where's your cousin?" Leimomi asked her son. "He's gone back to wainiha, Anakē wasn't feeling well." He replied. "Oh I see" Leimomi nodded.

She would've loved to see Malanai and catch up on gossip, and to play with her niece as well. "Ok maybe next time", she sighed.

"Mahalo no keiā hui ana!" King Kaumuali'i announced to those in attendance, he went on to thank them for the gifts and well wishes. He had missed traveling to this part of the island and to his summer residence here. Work had kept him busier than usual and he'd been wanting more than ever, to take a much needed break. Now, he was finally taking one.

Kaumuali'i decided to give the chiefs, konohiki and soldiers a break as well, as he invited them to his hale for a day of dalliance, or a pulehu/barbecue, and a swim in the river near his home. They could invite their ohana to join as well.

"Anakala will you be going?" Manaleo asked Ha'ikū, biting into his drumstick. "A'ole, ho'i ana wau." Ha'ikū announced, informing them that he'd be returning home immediately following the celebration. He had overstayed his welcome and missed his wife and daughter very much. Sending Kililau to be with them, assured him that they were doing okay.

"Pa ....can I go with uncle then?" Mana asked, trying his luck. "What for? Your home is here."
The chief replied.

"I'm bored and I want to see what Kili is up to." Mana sighed.

"A'ole.....give your uncle and aunt a break, they're constantly having you stay over and they need to have time alone." Kahi'au replied.


"No buts, Mana" his mom intervened.

"Ok" he sulked.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll visit soon enough"Ha'ikū laughed.

Having Manaleo over was like watching a comedy show, Ha'ikū laughed at Mana's comments and constant hunger pains and high jinx with Kililau. Plus the boy could never lie or keep a straight face, so he knew that between Kili and Mana, it was Mana who would tell the truth in all situations.

And, that is why he didn't mind having his nephew stay over whenever he wanted.


"Ma you want me to take Hili with me to the pond?" Kililau called out.

Malanai was finishing up some chores and would rest up before the afternoon.

"Yes Ma let me go please" Hilina'i cheered.

Malanai obliged and let Hilina'i go with her brother.

"Be good ok? And listen to Palala" she instructed the precocious little one

"Ae Mama" she smiled hugging her before running up to Kililau.

Kili would be going to the pond near their Hale and later he'd check the roadside pond to see if Alohi was there. Today was usually the day that Anakē Hali'i visited his mom, so he'd plan to go during that time.

"C'mon" he led his sister down the trail past the lo'i or taro field.

Malanai finished hanging the laundry and brought the basket back inside. She drank a little water before heading into the bedroom to take a nap.

Kamaile by Joni KeamoaiWhere stories live. Discover now