Chapter 3

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Monday morning brought gloomy clouds and sprinkles, in other words, a typical Seattle day. Jisoo opened the door and let Chaeyoung in. She peeked around her to get a look at the van. "That the van?" The whole operation had her intrigued.

Chaeyoung looked back at it in the driveway, "Yeah," she said with a co-conspiratory whisper.

"Cool. You put the dogs in the back?"

Chaeyoung leaned in a little, "Yeah, in the back." She made a play of looking around to see if anyone else was listening. "Except for the short one, he sits up front."

Jisoo nodded, "So you got the big ones in the back, all rolling around and shit when you make turns?"

"Yeah, it's crazy cool. Dogs everywhere."

"The short one a chihuahua? I'm picturing him sitting on your shoulder, saying take the next left."

"Only he says it in Spanish."

Jisoo nodded again. "Nice." She ushered Chaeyoung into the house. "Yo babe, Chaeyoung's here." Suddenly two very energetic thirty-five pound dogs came running into the foyer, both had short hair, black and white patches, floppy ears and no discernible lineage. True mutts.

Jisoo made the introductions, "This is Roscoe, sit Roscoe, sit." Roscoe didn't follow.

"He will eventually. Like tonight." Jisoo said defeated. "And this is Rocky, down, Rocky down." Jisoo tried to get the dog to stop jumping. "Yeah, we ain't so good with dogs around here. Jen? You coming down?"

Jennie made her way down the steps and gave Chaeyoung a hug. "Did you meet the monsters?"

"You mean did she get mauled by the monsters, yes," Jisoo said as she held both dogs by the collar.

"I did, they're cute, are they brothers?"

"Yes, that's why we had to get two, I couldn't bear the thought of separating them," Jennie said.

"Well, I'll load them up and get them back to you around five? Is that good."

"Yep, I'll be home by then," Jisoo said.



Lisa came to the nurse's station to pick up the chart on her next surgery. She felt her phone buzz and gave it a quick look. Jisoo sent her a picture of some van. What the heck was she sending her this for? The logo said, "Bitches on Wheels." She had no idea why she was getting this text, so she just ignored it.

"There she is, my favorite doctor,"

Lisa recognized the voice, and smiling she turned around, "And here's my favorite EMT. Don't tell me you brought in some horrific accident victim who needs surgery."

Jimin grabbed her and gave her a bear hug. "No, just a broken leg. Guy fell off a ladder. I haven't seen you in a week, how you been beautiful?" Lisa and Jimin had gone on a couple dates during the summer after her freshman year of college.

Funny enough, Jungkook was the one who set her up with him. They were both buddies from when they were younger, playing on the same travel baseball team for years. This was, of course, way before Lisa and Jungkook started dating. But Jimin and Lisa's relationship never really amounted to much, just a few dinners sprinkled over two months. It was a mutual decision that a relationship wasn't in the cards, so they parted ways but remained friends.

"Oh, I've been OK."

"How's Jonny? I haven't talked to him in weeks."

"He's good. He's been kinda hanging with the guys at the club."

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