Chapter 17

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Lisa had made the drunken mistake of dancing with her one time. One damn time two years ago. And ever since then she had to fend her off whenever the music slowed down. She usually had a litany of excuses prepared, but Chaeyoung had her all befuddled. She could perform the most delicate of surgeries, but it seemed she could only handle one annoying woman at a time.

Chaeyoung got up and grabbed Lisa's hand, "I'm sorry she promised this dance to me." She gave a small yank and before Lisa knew it she was being led onto the dance floor. Chaeyoung pulled her in close and they started slow dancing. "You're welcome," she said in her ear.

"I certainly didn't need you to rescue me," Lisa said. Chaeyoung's arms felt strong around her. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling. Lisa maintained an acceptable distance between them, there was no need for extemporaneous touching.

Chaeyoung laughed softly and leaned even closer to Lisa, her lips almost touching her earlobe, "Who was your friend back there?"

Lisa felt a little shiver go down her spine when Chaeyoung's breath grazed her ear. She blamed it on the air conditioning. "Nobody." She really didn't feel like getting into it with her. The less this woman knew about her the better.

"Nobody? She certainly didn't act like a nobody. She acted like you guys danced before." Chaeyoung found herself burying her nose a little into the good doctor's hair. She inhaled and the scent was intoxicating. Like flowers and sunshine. She fought the urge to pull her closer. She really needed to get laid.

Lisa tried to be vague, hoping this line of questioning would end soon. "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't." Chaeyoung's hips were pressing into hers now, and the warmth she experienced earlier moved south. Like, south of the border. The border being her belt. How was this even possible? Lisa couldn't remember ever feeling like this, wanting to slap someone and rip their clothes off at the same time.

"You make a habit out of dancing with women?"

Don't say anything Lisa, don't say anything. "Sometimes." She bit her lip as soon as the words were out of her mouth. She paused, were those butterflies in her stomach? No, yes? For Christ's sake.

"Oh." Chaeyoung wasn't expecting that. She usually could read people very well. She didn't get any kind of vibe from Lisa that she may be into women. Her interest was piqued. "Have you dated a woman before?"

Lisa was quick to reply, too quick. "I don't wanna talk about it." She mentally bitch slapped herself. Goddamn it Lisa, now you just gave yourself away. Beer was like truth serum for her. And her arrhythmia was back, only instead of fluttering, her heart was pounding. So, maybe a heart attack was imminent. Regardless, her body was a traitor, reacting to the proximity of this woman.

"So, you did date a woman."

"I didn't say that." Lisa tried to backpedal. The heat was spreading to other parts of her body now. Jesus Christ, is this a hot flash? When was her last period, was this early onset menopause? Is the air on it here? Jesus Christ, turn on the air conditioner.

Chaeyoung smiled into the sunshine hair, "You didn't have to."

Lisa tried to deflect with more snark. "Oh, so you're a dog walker and a psychic?"

Chaeyoung laughed again. "What was her name?"

"Niylah." Oh my god. It seemed she was powerless to stop the flow of information from her lips. She hated her half-drunk self.

"Wow. I'm totally surprised."

Lisa looked up at her, instantly annoyed, all warmth went away, her heart was no longer in cardiac arrest. She became sexually sober in an instant. "Why? You don't think a woman would want to go out with me?"

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