Chapter 7

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The next morning Chaeyoung looked down at her ringing phone. Mina, this couldn't be good. "What's up Mina?"

"Chaeng, I woke up sick and dizzy. No way I can drive today."

Chaeyoung, rubbed her forehead and sighed, employees, "OK, I'll send Sana over to get your van, feel better."

She hung up and dialed Sana. "Hey, Mina is sick, you're gonna have to drive her route today."

"Damn. Alright, I'll leave in a few."

Chaeyoung hung up. Whelp, that meant she would have to do pickups again today. So much for avoiding the doctor. Maybe she wouldn't be there, maybe the fiancé would be home instead.

When Chaeyoung got to Lisa's house, she tentatively rang the doorbell. She knew it wasn't going to be her day as Lisa answered the door while talking on the phone again and waved her in. Chaeyoung stepped in and followed Lisa through the foyer, keeping her eye out for Oliver. She gave a wide berth to the hissing, orange fur ball on the back of the couch.

"Hold on a sec, Hyo-seob," Lisa pulled the phone away from her mouth and addressed Chaeyoung, "you see him? I lost track of him about a half hour ago."

Chaeyoung looked a little sideways at her, why couldn't this woman keep track of her damn dog? "I don't see him, where was your last sighting," she said a little sarcastically.

She noticed all the different things that were sitting up on top of tall furniture, most of them in some tattered state. Seems he was a chewer. She hid a smile.

She didn't know why she found it funny that the dog was causing this woman so much angst, but she doubted Lisa would appreciate being laughed at, so she kept her smirk to herself.

Lisa pondered Chaeyoung's question. She scrunched up her eyes and pursed her lips as she thought back to when she last saw him.

Chaeyoung tried to not find this particular face a little cute, because snobby surgeons cannot be cute.

"In the sun room, he was in the sun room. I was working in there and then the phone rang, and I got up and walked into the kitchen, and, shit, my briefcase is in there. Crap, crap, yesterday he chewed my hospital badge." She took off running for the sun room.

Chaeyoung followed at a regular pace, still looking and listening for the dog. She was already a little late because of Mina, now this. How could a dog go missing in a house? She entered the sun room and found Lisa on her knees.

"Hyo-seob, I gotta call you back in a few." Lisa disconnected the call and started sifting through her briefcase. "Well, here's the badge, that's safe, but I feel slobber, so I know he was in here."

She looked up at the brunette and was instantly annoyed, why was she so calm? Didn't she know she was late for work, and why couldn't she help find the dog? She looked back down at her bag and noticed what was missing, her wallet.

"Shit, it's my wallet. He's got my wallet. Ooohhh." She let out a frustrated groan.

"Where does he usually like to chew stuff up? Dogs like to find a favorite spot to destroy things," Chaeyoung offered.

She exaggerated a little, just to fan the flames, it seemed she couldn't help herself when it came to this woman.

Lisa looked at her with the most pathetically sad face. Chaeyoung almost felt bad. Almost. "Not my wallet," she said in a small voice. "It's got my license in there, and my credit cards."

Chaeyoung thought she was gonna cry she sounded so forlorn. "Well, maybe he'll only chew the wallet first, and leave the other stuff alone."

"I love that wallet. It's been with me for fifteen years."

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