Chapter 25

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Jisoo and Jen stopped by the hospital to pick Lisa up after work, since her car was still in the garage.

"I'm gonna start charging the both of you for this pick-up service," Jisoo said as Lisa climbed into the back of her car. "Why is your car still in the shop?"

"It needs a new transmission, they're waiting on some parts or something," Lisa answered.

"Jesus, maybe it's time for a new car, Lisi," Jen said. She leaned over and kissed her girl on the cheek, "I just like to be chauffeured around."

"No, I love my car. And now it'll be good for another hundred thousand miles." Lisa noticed that they were going in the opposite direction of their respective houses. "Where we going?"

"I gotta drop something off," Jisoo said vaguely, not offering up any more details.

"Well, aren't you being fallacious," Jen said, turning around to high five Lisa in the backseat.

"That's disgusting, take that back," Jisoo said.

"What?" Jen asked.

"Fallacious, fellatio, that's gross, and has no place in this car."

"Fallacious is not fellatio for Christ's sake," Jen said.

"Oh..." Jisoo said, keeping her eyes on the road. "Why didn't you say so?"



"I don't know, what?"

"What the fuck does fallacious even mean?" Jisoo asked, hanging her five in the air now that things were sorted out.

"To be deceitful, to mislead."

"Well, that's a shit ton better than giving blow jobs," Jisoo said as she turned into a long driveway.

Lisa's eyes got wide as she looked at the stone farmhouse in front of her. It looked to be over a hundred years old, but was obviously lovingly restored. Red shutters surrounded all the windows along the front, contrasting nicely with the dark stone. The property seemed to stretch out for miles. Lisa loved the country, and she used to dream about living on a farm when she was a little girl. "Wow, this is beautiful, where are we?"

"This, Miss Manoban, is where your dog comes every day."

"Oh shit, Chaeyoung's place?"

"Yep." Jisoo pulled up in front of the store and parked the car. "Everybody out."

"I can just wait here," Lisa said, the motorcycle ride still fresh in her mind. Well, all the sensations from the ride were still fresh in her mind, the way it felt to be pressed up against her, the way her hair smelled, the way her hands felt on her face. She had made the decision a couple days ago that this had to stop. This, whatever it was, infatuation, this weird physical attraction, needed to be nipped in the bud.

"Don't be such a stick in the mud, get your ass out of the car," Jisoo scolded.

Lisa sighed and opened the car door. The three gals went into the store and were met by one of Chaeyoung's employees.

"Can I help you ladies?" she offered.

"We're here to see Chaeyoung, tell her it's Jisoo."

"I think she's out back in her house." The woman got on the phone and paged Chaeyoung. "Yo, you got a Jisoo here to see you? Yeah, okay, boss." She hung up the phone. "Follow me."

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