Chapter 20

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Chaeyoung was sitting in her office typing on her laptop, cleaning up tasks that she had to get done before the week's end. She always procrastinated when it came to working on a computer, staring at a screen always gave her a headache. Might be time for an eye check-up. Jisoo was coming over at some point to share some website ideas. They all decided to trash what had already been done, because, as Jisoo said, "It was shit wrapped in dog poo."

Chaeyoung made her last journal entry just as she heard the entry door buzz. Jisoo popped her head in a minute later.

"Hey boss, now a good time?" Jisoo asked.

"Of course, it's actually perfect timing," Chaeyoung said as she closed out her programs.

"Cool, brought the gf, had to pick her up from work because her car's in the shop."

"Well, the more the merrier, hey Jen," Chaeyoung said as she gave them both a hug.

"Sorry to crash the website party," Jen said. "This farm is awesome, how long have you been here?"

"A few years now. I love it, too. It's so perfect for what we need. Let me text Sana and tell her that you're here."

Jisoo stopped short when Chaeyoung's two dogs got up to give them both a sniff. "Whoa, big dogs."

"They're harmless, don't worry," Chaeyoung said as she sent off her text. "The big gray one is Yogi, and the black and white one is Milo. Sit boys." Both dogs sat obediently.

"Are they pitbulls?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, but they're good dogs."

"Are they bilious?" Jen asked, hanging and shaking a number one in the air, proud of her word of the day.

Jisoo put her hand up for the now standard, no-look high five.  After exchanging hand slaps with Jen, she turned to Chaeyoung with her hand up, "Give it up," she said.  Chaeyoung obliged, with a look of confusion.  "I've established the word-of-the-day high five as a thing now. All must participate."

"What's word of the day?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Jennie is trying to dumb down the baby talk by using big, smart words.  You know, the kind that none of us ever heard of or know the definition of.  Very high five worthy."

"Okay, gotcha.  What's the word mean, exactly?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Bilious, adjective, having a peevish or ill-natured disposition," Jen volunteered proudly.  "Can I count that as two?"

"Uh, no," Jisoo said. "Definitions don't count."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Well, no, the dogs are not bilious," Chaeyoung said. "They do take a while to warm up to you, but once they do they won't leave you alone."

"Are they pettable?" Jisoo asked.

"Of course, being non-bilious, they would be pettable," Jen said, hand ready for her high five.

"Now you're just making shit up," Jisoo said, leaving the aforementioned hand twisting in the wind. She hesitantly reached out and patted Yogi on the head. "Good dog, don't eat me, dog."

Yogi accepted his pat on the head and went back to his dog bed, Milo followed him.

"Let me get a couple more chairs," and Chaeyoung went into the other room and returned with two more folding chairs.

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