Chapter 26

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Lisa sank deeper into the tub, bubbles puffing into the air. She loved bubble baths. She leaned her head on the backside of the claw foot tub and closed her eyes. As she relaxed in a semi-dream state, she heard the click of the door and opened her eyes. Chaeyoung was there, in tattered jeans and a white tank top, with no bra. Lisa licked her lips and swallowed. Chaeyoung's nipples pushed against the soft cotton fabric of her shirt. She slowly made her way over to the tub and stood next to Lisa. After staring up into green eyes and getting lost for a moment, Lisa reached out and slowly undid the button on Chaeyoung's jeans. She watched her hand, which was covered in bubbles, and seemed to have a mind of it's own, as it slowly slid the zipper down. Lisa knew there was nothing under those jeans, she just knew. She looked back up, to see Chaeyoung's reaction, and the hunger she saw in her eyes made her heart stop. Chaeyoung reached into the top of her jeans and slowly slid them off, and Lisa watched their journey as they slid past her thighs, then her knee caps and landed at her ankles. Chaeyoung stepped out of the jeans, now just wearing her tank. She stepped into the tub and slid down. Lisa reached out and pulled the tank over her head. Chaeyoung reached out and pulled Lisa into her lap. A wave of water was sent cascading out of the tub and onto the floor. Their lips met and Lisa was lost. The kisses were slow and soft at first, but they were both too hungry, and mouths opened and tongues played. Lisa gasped into Chaeyoung's mouth when she felt two beautiful fingers slide inside, when the third one found it's way home she moaned and her hips bucked. Lisa returned the favor and now they both were thrusting into each other, free hands tangled in hair, pushing mouths together. When Lisa was getting close she broke off the kiss to breathe, to pant really, she began murmuring gibberish, maybe she was speaking in tongues, she called a name, she was so close now, the muscles in her belly tightened, the tipping point was coming, Lisa was coming...      


No, no, no, Lisa thought, I just need another couple of seconds...

"Lisa," Jungkook said as he shook her awake.

Lisa opened her eyes only to be met by Jungkook, leaning over so close it frightened her. "Aaahhh!" she yelped as she sat straight up.

"Aaahhhh!" he yelped back, startled.

"Shit," Lisa said. She was frustrated and annoyed, she was so close.  She stared around the bedroom, as three pairs of eyes stared back. Feline, canine, and human.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes," she said exasperated. "Why?"

"You were thrashing around, then you said Charlotte, no, first you said Charlie, then you said Charlotte. I thought maybe you were reliving some awful surgery you had today. Or had some terrifying interaction with a patient named Charlotte, or Charlie," smiling a little at his own joke.

Lisa got her bearings back, and her head hit the pillow. "I'm fine.  I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay," he said as he put his arms around her to spoon her. "I'll hold you until you fall back asleep." He nestled up behind her, his hand around her breast, and he fell asleep almost instantly.

Lisa lay awake, Jungkook now snoring lightly into her back. She carefully removed his hand from her breast. Now why did she feel the need to do that, she thought to herself? Was it because she felt like she belonged to someone else in the middle of the night? No! Don't be silly, Lisa. Sometimes he would jerk around in his sleep, that was all, and he would squeeze the shit out of it. Her thoughts drifted back to her dream and she cursed her stupid luck. This time she was so close. Dammit. She almost came in her dream. Is that even possible? Can you actually have an orgasm while sleeping? She'd have to look that one up tomorrow. And my god how quickly she had gotten aroused. She usually wasn't that quick. What did this woman do to her? What kind of sexual hold did she have over her? So much for nipping it in the bud. And that wasn't the bud she wanted to nip. Her thoughts went on and on and on, until she finally fell asleep two hours later.

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