Chapter 14

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On Saturday morning, Lisa was having her coffee, and every once in a while, her mind wandered back to her dream from a few nights ago. She rarely had sex dreams. This was unfamiliar territory for her. God, those green eyes. So beautiful. Green eyes, green eyes. But why? Why this woman, at this time? She sighed and was startled out of her thoughts when her phone rang. "Hey Rave, what's up?"

"Dude, sunny day today, let's head to the park and take a walk."

Lisa thought about what she had planned today. Laundry, vacuuming, paperwork, "What time?"

"How about in an hour?"


"We're bringing the dogs, bring Oliver. That's why you have dogs, to walk on a sunny day."

Lisa was not sure she was ready for the workout of walking the dog, who usually just pulled her arm out of her socket. But, she didn't get out for any runs this week, so she should get some exercise. "Okay, I'll bring him."

"Cool, see you in a bit."

When Lisa pulled into the parking lot, she spotted Jisoo and Jennie waiting for her by the benches. She got Oliver out of the car and headed over to them.

"Hey girl." Jisoo gave her a hug.

"Hey, guys."

"What a wonderful day," Jen said, adjusting her backpack.

"A backpack, wow how long is this walk?" Lisa asked as she gave Jennie a kiss on the cheek.

"Best to be prepared, Lisa."

"What all you got in here," Lisa said as she unzipped and poked around, hoping for a bottle of water since she was already thirsty. She took an inventory. "Hm, juice boxes, energy bars, bibs, no water? Oh, but there's diapers, that's helpful."

"And that is our life in a nutshell, or a backpack. Juice boxes, bibs, and diapers, at least it's a clean one," Jisoo said.

"There's water in there, keep digging. I use this for work, when I take the kids out. You have to be ready for anything when you got three little ones running into things, and bouncing off pavements and stuff."

Lisa kept rooting around in the bag and finally found a bottle. Oliver started bouncing up and down, grabbing at the leash and holding it in his mouth, playing tug of war with Lisa. "Oh Jesus, calm down buddy."

"Get a hold of your dog there Lisa, you're the boss, not him," Jen said.

"Oh please. He is so the boss of me." Lisa reached down and gave him a nice scratch behind the ears. He sat down and began air scratching in ecstasy, making Lisa laugh.

"Did I tell you what happened when I tried to walk these two by myself last week?" Jisoo asked as they joined the multitude of other outdoor enthusiasts on the trail.

"Oh, this is rich," Jen said.

"No, you neglected to tell me that story."

"Well, I take the two of them to this very park, and you know I have a bad leg..."

Lisa looked puzzled. "You mean your knee?"

Jisoo nodded.

"The one you had ACL surgery on ten years ago? The one that causes no discernible limp?"

"Yes, that knee, it still aches my friend."

Lisa rolled her eyes at her friend's exaggeration. "Oh please. Continue."

"So, I'm walking them, and there's this other dog about half a mile away, and my two monsters take off, just literally take off."

"How did they take off if you were holding the leashes?"

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