Chapter One

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May 10th, 2013

Starlight Modeling Agency

10:45 pm

"Alright one more pose and then we are done for the day."

I did as the photographer said and after she took the picture, a smile appeared on her face seeing that the pictures came out as good as she expected.

My manager walked up to me and handed me a water bottle which I took from her and opened it before taking a few sips.

"Gabriella, you have a photoshoot for GUESS tomorrow and Vogue wants you to model for them next week same for Versace," Isla said.

Isla has been my agent since I was seventeen and is a great agent to me but sometimes there are things that she gets on my nerves.

"Okay," I spoke.

"Also make sure you lose some of that fat." She said before walking away.

I rolled my eyes at her even though she couldn't see it.

"I don't know why she always questions your weight when you are perfectly fine," Elliot said in a strong British accent.

Elliot is Isla's assistant but also has a crush on me because there have been times I rejected him and he won't move on from it.

"Well, she doesn't see that," I said.

"Anyway here is your salad." He said as he handed me the salad.


"No problem and maybe you could go on a date with-"

I cut him off. "It's not going to happen"


As I entered the penthouse, I threw the salad in the trash and then opened the fridge to find something to eat.

As I put the leftover lasagna from last night in the microwave, my phone started to ring and I grabbed it from the counter to answer the call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey girl do you want to go to a club?" Scarlett asked.

I chuckled." Damn girl no hi or hello but I am not really feeling it today."

"Why can't you just know fire her?" She said.

"I could but finding a new agent is not an easy thing to do Scarlett." I said as I took the lasagna out of the microwave and took some bites of it.

"I see and I can't wait for the day you lash out on her."

I laughed. "If that ever happen, I will let you know."


10:12 am

"You know you should really stop drinking that much coffee." Scarlett said.

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed. "Tell that to my manager because she can't stop booking late night photoshoots."

" You really got to talk to her about that." She said.

I scoffed. "Like she ever listens."

"What a bitch."

I chuckled. "Yeah she is."

"So what are you doing today, Gabby?"

Not everybody calls me Gabby as a nickname unless I want them to but it is just only family and friends that call me that.

"You know the usual like always." I said.

"We should have a movie night at my place tonight at eight." Scarlett said.

"Sure does the others know about it?" I asked.

"Not yet but I will let them know." Scarlett stated.

A/N: The whole book isn't coming out until April, so I decided to give you guys an early Christmas which is three chapters of this book and that's it til April 15th.

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