Chapter Seven

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"Who was that?" Maya asked.

"Just someone from the park." I said.

"You were totally flirting with him." She spoke.

I scoffed a laugh. "Please we are not calling that whole conversation I had with him flirting."

"Then what would you call it Gabriella?" Maya wondered.

I took a bite of my fries before answering.  "Let's just call it nothing."

Maya chuckled and asked, "So, what will you do if he texts you?'"

"Like he will ever text me."

As my phone buzzed, a text message popped up. I tapped on it.

Dominic: Hey

"Is that him isn't it?" Maya asked as she was trying to get a peek at my phone.

"Yes, it is him."

"So are you going to reply back?"

I shrugged. "I can or just let him suffer for hours."

Maya laughed. "I would love to see that."

"Anyway, how was the audition for that action movie you were talking to me about?" I asked.

"Ugh I think it went horrible but they say they will give me a call." She said.

"How many days ago was that?"

"Two days ago."

"Relax you are going to get the role but if you don't then there will be other roles in the future that you might get."

"I hope so."



"So you left him on read for days?" Gray asked as he was doing my makeup.

"Yep so should I text or just keep messing with him?" I questioned.

"Do you like him?"

I snickered and rolled my eyes. "Nope and besides I am not ready to go back to dating again anyway."

"You could have some fun with him." Dalton, my hair stylist said.

"Like that will ever happen." I said

Dalton laughs. "You will never know girl."

A knock was heard and we looked at Elliot who walked inside the dressing room.

"Um excuse me, sorry to interrupt but we need you on the set in like three minutes." Elliot said.

"Okay I will be there." I said.

Elliot nodded and then left.

"I am not surprised that Elliot didn't try to flirt with you like he always do." Dalton said.

"He does when Gray is not around but other than that I know how to get Elliot off my back." I said.

"Girl you are telling me that he is scared of Gray?" Dalton chuckled and Gray glared at him.

"Maybe or Gray just threatened him the last time he was here." I spoke.

Dalton shakes his head and laughed as he finished the last touches to my hair. "Alright I am done and girl if I was straight, I would totally date you."


After shooting the commercial, I was in my dressing room looking at my phone thinking if I should text him or not.

Then I decided just to do it anyway to get it out of the way.

Dominic: Hey

Me: Hi..

Dominic:Wow you finally responded and I though it would be the wrong number.

Me:What would you do if it was?

Dominic:I guess I will feel embarrassed and not reply again.

Me: Well you are lucky that it wasn't but are you free to go out for lunch today?

Dominic:Yeah I am...

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