Chapter Ten

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"Thanks for driving me here." I said, getting out of the car.

"Hey no problem, your car broke down and you  called me so I am glad to help." Dominic said.

I smiled."Thanks but anyway I gotta go since I am really late."

"Wait before you go, would you like to go on a date with me and I promise I will be on my best behavior unlike last time." Dominic tells me.

I don't really have the time for dating and don't want to go back to it until I feel like I am ready for it....

I sighed deeply. "I will think about it Dominic." I told him.

"Okay I will wait for your answer Gabriella."  He replied.

I nodded and walked inside the  Beverly Hills  Plaza Hotel to only bumped into a hard chest.

"We really need to stop meeting each other like this." He said.

"I agreed but I am just going to think that you are obsessed with me." I joked.

Kai laughed. "You are funny but sadly I am not."

"Okay so let me guess you are also the photographer for this shoot that I am doing?" I ask.

"I wasn't but the original one called in sick so I am taking his place." Kai said.

I am about to think it is fate for some obvious reason on how every time we keep bumping into each other in any different places.

But that will make me feel delusional because I barely know this guy.

"That is great and you must love taking pictures?"

He smiled. "Yeah I really love it and I am glad it is working great for me as a career."

"It is good to see people's dreams come true."

"Yeah it is."


"I don't get this, first the photographer get sick and now the male model for this shoot is stuck in traffic." Isla says in frustration.

I am not surprised that she didn't notice that I was late.

Isla stopped talking and looked at Kai who was setting up his camera equipments up.

"Kai you got a face and a body of a model, how would you like to model for this photoshoot?" Isla asked.

"Um thanks for the offer but I  can't."Kai said.

"Please just for today." Isla begged.

"Okay fine." He sighed.

Three hours later

Kai's POV

"Do I really got a face and a body of a model?" I ask as I put the camera equipment back in my bag.

"Do you want a lie or the truth?" Gabriella questioned.

"Both is fine." I said.

Gabriella looked at me for a few minutes and as our eyes met, she looked away with a grin on her face.

"She is right about you having a face and a body of model." She spoke.

"Huh interesting." I says.

"For someone who is not a model, you did good and I hope the pictures come out great."

"I hope so." I said with a smile.

"Hey would you mind giving me a ride home because my car is in the shop since it broke down today."

"So how did you get here?"

"A friend drove me here so can you?"

"Yeah I can give you a ride but I don't know your address."

"I will tell you while you are driving."

"Okay great."

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