Chapter Four

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The Mall

"That dress looks great on you." Scarlett said.

I tried on a one-shoulder sequin mini dress that flattered my figure while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Should I buy it?" I asked.

"Trust me, that dress was made for you. It's calling your name, begging to be added to your wardrobe. You won't regret buying it," she said confidently.

"You are not wrong." I said.

After trying on the clothes, including the shoes, we bought them and took a break at the food court a few minutes later.

Scarlett was eating a hamburger and fries while I ordered the salad even though I wished I got something else than this bowl of lettuces.

"I know models can't eat unhealthy foods but come on just for one eat something unhealthy." She complained.

"Aren't you a model too like you shouldn't be eating that." I said, pointing at the hamburger that she took a bite of.

Scarlett shrugs. "One fast food is not going to kill me and besides at least my agent doesn't let me starve to death."

"If you think Isla wants me to starve to death then you are wrong." I stated.

"And you know you want to admit the truth about it but you can't so please take the rest of my fries."

"Alright fine."

She hands me her fries which I took from her and ate some of it.

"What are you doing tonight?" She asked.

"I was going to my parents house for dinner unless you planned something."  I spoke.

"Your parents are married again because the last time I remembered they were divorced."

My parents got divorced when I was a kid or a teenager which I don't remember but  they got back together since I think they realized they still love each other and shouldn't had divorced.

I mean the only reason they divorced was that they didn't have time for each other because of their jobs so now they made it work.

"They got remarried like back in September of 2012." I said.


7:12 pm

I pressed the doorbell and waited until someone opened the door.

Once it was opened, I could see my little sister standing in the front of the door.

She quickly gave me a hug when she saw me. "I missed you so much Gabby."

"I missed you too." I said with a smile.

"Maryann who is at the door?" I heard Mom's voice.

"It is Gabriella mom." Maryann said.

"Let her come inside." Mom said.

I walked inside the house and as Maryann closed the door behind me, I took my shoes off.

"So what is up with you Maryann?" I asked.

"Nothing much but guess what I got a lead role for a play at my school." She stated.

"That's great." I says.

"I know." She said.

We both walked into the dining room and our parents were setting up the table then stopped when they saw me.

Dad hugs me and I hugs him back. "It been a while since the last time we saw you, how've you been?" He asks.

"I am fine Dad." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure."


Looking at my plate of food, I don't know if I could eat it all knowing that I am just going to go to the bathroom to force myself to puke.

"Sweetheart how things going on for you?" Mom asked.

"Been doing a lot of photoshoots lately and love seeing myself on billboards and magazines but other than that it is going great." I says.

"That's great to know." Mom said.

Even though Isla is a bitch, she does do a good job with marketing and that is all I am going to say about her.

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