Chapter Three

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8:23 am

Waking up to the smell of breakfast foods can be good, but sometimes it is suspicious, especially when the person who made the food cannot cook at all. Waking up to the smell of breakfast food can be good, but it can also be suspicious, especially if the person who made it isn't a good cook.

On the table, there were stacks of pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, and French toast.

"Who made this?" I asked.

"I did and don't act surprised that I did all of this without burning my house down." Scarlett said while handing me my plate of food.

"No, she got all of this catered." Maya said.

I chuckled and took a bite of the eggs.

"Well let's just pretend that I cooked all of this." Scarlett said.

My phone was ringing so I answered it and knew it was my agent so why bother checking the caller i.d.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Gabriella I booked you a shoot for a perfume ad that is in two weeks." Isla said.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know Isla." I said.

"I will text you the details and time including the location." She said.

I was about to say something but Isla hanged up and I rolled my eyes.

"Another modeling gig?" Maya asked.

"Yep, a perfume ad." I spoke.

"You know I wish I had your life." Cara said.

I chuckled. "Trust me you don't really want that at all."

There are a lot of positive things about modeling and there is a lot of negative things about it which I know she doesn't want to deal with that.

1:02 pm

I don't know why I challenged myself to go on a run for four hours.... Oh yeah because of a certain person and honestly I shouldn't really do this all of this because someone constantly keep commenting on my weight like I don't have the same average body type as a model.

I sat down on a bench at the park and opened the water bottle to take a sip of it.

I checked my phone to see what time was it and it was one in the afternoon ...... crazy even though I have been running since nine o'clock.

Yeah, I know it is dangerous to running for that many hours without stopping for a break but there is a reason for it which is fucking stupid.

"You know you shouldn't be really killing yourself like that."

I looked up to see who said that and it was a random guy who looks like he could be six foot three and was wearing red flannel shirt with black jeans and converses. 

He looks like he could be James Franco's son because this stranger looks like a younger version of him.

To be honest I can't be the only person in the world who think James Franco is not that good looking to me, but I will just keep that to myself.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I am just saying that you look like you want to pass out when you were running over here but thank God you didn't so take it easy on it." He said.

"Okay thanks for the advice."

"No problem."

"So what are you doing here at the park?"

"My little sister wanted me to take her to the park so here I am." He said.

"You are a great brother." I said.

"I guess I am and oh my name is Dominic what's your?"


"Nice to meet you too Gabriella even though that is a beautiful name." Dominic said as he winked at me.

Something about Dominic gives me playboy vibes which is not my type at all and kinda reminds me of my ex boyfriend.

"So I was wondering if I could get your number?" He asked.

"Maybe next time if I ever run to you again."

"I hope that happen again."


"Was he cute?" Scarlett asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

I took a bite of my vegan sub and then took a sip of my water. "He was but not my type Scarlett."

We are at Ike's Love & Sandwiches and their vegan  subs are the best including the meat options as well even though I can't eat that.

"If he was your type, would you have-"

"I have standards and besides he look like a type of  a guy that goes to one woman to another in a week." I said.

"Damn we are judging people now but I agree with you on that."

"He is nice and all but like do you really want to be with someone whose  attitude and behavior changed once you know them better and just realize in the beginning it was all fake?" I asked.

"Yeah you are right because why would I or anyone want to date anyone who wasn't like that in the beginning when I first met them and still be with them if they end up treating me horrible." Scarlett said.

"Exactly and I don't want to deal with that." I spoke.

A/N: Chapter four will be out on April 15th, 2024.

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