Chapter Nine

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The Next Day

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and groaned as I reached for it to answer the call.

"Hel-" I was interrupted by a scream from the other end of the phone.

"Gabby I got the lead role!" Maya yelled.

"Oh my gosh, that is great." I spoke.

"I can't believe my dreams have come true, and I thank you for helping me with the audition," she tells me.

"No problem and we should celebrate." I told her.

"Yes, we should. I'll tell everyone to meet me at the club tonight." Maya said before hanging up the phone.

I chuckled to myself, then got out of bed and headed straight to the shower.


"There is my favorite customer and friend," Tyler said as he saw me walk into the bakery.

"Hey Tyler, are you on break?" I inquired.

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, in like six minutes and what do you want to order?"

"You know the usual." I spoke.

"Alright, one blueberry lemon muffin and a frappuccino coming right up." He states. "That would be $8.75 dollars."

I handed him the money, and a few minutes later, Tyler approached me where I sat with my order.

"So Maya finally got the role that she always wanted." I said.

Tyler chuckled. "Yeah I heard and she sent me a text talking about celebrating in a club."

"Yeah but I don't feel like drinking again since I did last night." I tell him.

"Oh how was that charity thing you went with Clay?" He asked.

"It was great but you know what is weird?" I asked while taking a sip of my Frappuccino.

"What is weird?" Tyler wondered.

"Actually never mind because it is just really hard to explain." I says.

Tyler nodded. "Okay."

"So what is up with you?" I asked.

"Nothing much but I have been working on some beats, do you want to hear?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I told him.

"Okay I will be right back." He says, before getting up and leaving to get his laptop.

My phone vibrated, and a text message appeared on the screen, prompting me to unlock my phone and click on the message.

Isla: Gabriella, don't forget about your photoshoot at the Beverly Hills Plaza Hotel tomorrow. It starts at six-thirty am sharp, so make sure you're not late.

I left her on read because I didn't really feel like replying back and I haven't heard about this shoot until now so why tell me at the last minute?

Tyler came back and sets his laptop down on the table.

"Alright I am back so let me know what do you think." He said while plugging his headphones into the laptop.


11:23 pm

"To our friend Maya for her huge break!" Clayton yelled  for the fifth time as he raised his drink up.

"Someone please tell Clay to take it easy on the alcohol because that is like his sixth drink of the night." Maya said.

"Hey look this is a special occasion alright." He said.

I chucked and grabbed his drink before he could take a sip of that.

"I was gonna drink that Gabby ." Clayton pouts.

"Well not anymore because you are done for the night and go drink some water." I spoke.

"Alright then mom." He said with a smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and then turned to the girls who was giving me a look.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face guys." I tell them.

"I know you guys are best friends but are you sure you two never had any romantic feelings for each other?" Cara ask.

"Eww gross I don't see Clayton like that just only as a brother and beside he have a girlfriend." I stated.

"Oh that French girl that is either real or not." Scarlett said.

I chuckled and took a sip of my drink. "Wait do you think Clay is lying?"

Scarlett shrugged. "Maybe or maybe not because we haven't seen a picture of this girl that he said he is 'dating'."

Yeah that is true........

"Look we can't just jump straight into conclusions and I don't date models anymore." I told her.

"Yeah you are right you don't anymore." Scarlett said.

"Enough talking about me, we are here celebrating Maya's big news and tonight should be all about her." I replied.

"Yeah and let's go dance." Maya spoke.

"Hey guys I am gonna take Clayton home but will you  girls be fine on your own?" Tyler spoke.

"Yeah we will be fine don't worry." Cara said.

"Okay well have fun while I take this heavy ass man home." He said.


5:44 am

My alarm started going off and I groaned getting up to turn it off until I looked at the time.

Shit Shit Shit!

I have a photoshoot today at like six-thirty and I don't know if I am gonna make it in time knowing it is a two hours  drive from where I live.

Isla is going to fucking to kill me and I seriously need to get rid of this stupid hangover.......

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