Chapter Six

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After finishing my shower and getting dressed, I checked my phone to see a new text message notification and opened it.

Clayton: Want to go out for brunch?

Me: Aren't you still in New Jersey?

Clayton: Just came back around three in the morning and no I am not tired because that plane nap was really helpful. So, brunch?

I had planned to stay home all day without any activities scheduled, but I think I will make an exception today.

Me: Kinda in a mood for brunch so sure whatever.

Clayton: I will be at your place in a few minutes.


As I walked out of my penthouse, I heard a loud honk from a red Cadillac, which made me roll my eyes before I walked towards it.

Clayton grins when he saw me and I opened the door to get in. "Was the honking that necessary?" I asked.

He chuckled and shrugs his shoulders. "Annoying my best friend takes a lot of work to do."

I nodded and didn't say anything but changed the music that was playing on the radio.

"One day you will appreciate my taste in music." Clayton said as he starts to drive.

"I have nothing against rock music but you listen to worst kind of rock music." I says.

"Noted." He laughs.


The Cheesecake Factory

11:13 am

"I am in the mood for some breakfast burrito." Clayton said as he looks at the menu.

The waiter walked to our table and took our orders before leaving.

Few minutes later she sets our foods and drinks on the table and ask if we needed anything else but we said no.

I looked at the food that I ordered which was a monte cristo sandwich (a crunchy French toast stuffed with bacon, grilled ham, scrambled eggs and melted Swiss cheese dusted with powdered sugar and it is served with strawberry preserve.)

I know that I am supposed to be on a diet but would it be wrong to break it even though the comments of her remarks keep coming in my head.

Clayton noticed that I wasn't going to eat and grabbed one of my sandwich which he took a bite of.

"Really?" I asked.

"I know you wouldn't mind since you are on a diet." He said.

I sighed. "Which sucks anyway."

"What sucks more that you are killing yourself again and won't fire your agent because she is the reason for it."

"I am not and let's talk about something else."

Clayton nodded understanding that I didn't want to talk about it. "Hey, you know that French girl I told you about two months ago?" 

"Oh yeah are you still seeing her?"

"Yep but the thing is I really don't want to do a long-distance relationship like she lives in France and I am here in Cali."

"Have you ever tried to talk to her about it?"

"I tried to Gabby but it just never comes out of my mouth."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Was going to break up with her but I guess I will give the distance relationship a try."

"That's good." I said taking a sip of my drink. 

"But I need to ask you something and you can say no to this." He said.

"What is it?"

"So there is a  charity event that is happening in Beverly Hills on next week on Sunday and I was wondering if you can come with me?"

"Sure and what is the charity about?"

"It is to help raise money for sick kids and to make sure that they get the right treatment that they need."


4:34 pm

"That guy have been staring at you for the past ten minutes ever since we entered the gym." Maya said.

I was confused on what she was talking about until I turned around to see the same guy that I met at the park few weeks ago.

Once he noticed that I was looking at him, he walked over to us.

"So we are stalking people now?" I teased.

"I wouldn't call it stalking but let just call it fate even though I also work out here at the same exact gym." He said, chuckling.

"Dominic right?" I asked.

"Yeah so you remembered my name." Dominic said.

"You could say that." I said.

He flashed a toothy smile at me. "So I was wondering if you want to go out for drinks?"

"I can't sorry." I said.

"Oh okay maybe next time." He said.

"Yeah maybe but I can give you my number."

Dominic smiled. "Okay."

He took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

After putting my number in his contact list, I gave his phone back.

"So if I call or text you would you respond?"

"It depends."

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