Chapter Eight

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"I was worried you might not show up." Dominic admits as we sit across from each other in the booth.

"Why?" I asked as I looked at the menu to see what was good to eat for lunch.

"You seem disinterested in me," he said.

Yeah because I am not........

"No offense but you do know that this is not a date" I said.

"Yeah I know but one day there will be one." He replied.

"Hi I will be your waiter for today, what do you guys want to order?" The waiter asked.

"I will have the chicken salad." I said.

"And I will have the steak and mashed potatoes." He said.

The waiter nodded and wrote our orders down before leaving.

"So a salad huh?"

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing because I rather see women eat salads than other foods that will get them fat."

What a jackass.

I rolled my eyes at him. " Well I don't only eat salads and if I ever want to eat one then it wouldn't be to impress a guy."


2 hours later

I don't know why I  made the decision to go to lunch with him because everything feels so weird especially when he reminds me of someone.

"I need to go back to the photoshoot but I had a great time." I said.

Dominic smiled. "Me too but I am sorry about what I said earlier."

"It is fine." I said.

"Okay well I hope I see you again." He said.

Yeah we don't know that will ever happen again....

"Yeah let's just hope." I said with a fake smile.



"Thanks for coming with me." Clayton said.

"No problem and that is what friends do." I said with a smile.

He chuckled. "Yeah and I am glad we are friends though."

"Clayton Vaughn it is nice to see you here and who is this? A old man said as he approached us.

"It is nice to meet you again Mr. Goldstein and this is Gabriella Madrigal who is a friend of mine." Clayton said.

"It is nice to meet you and have I seen you on any billboards because you looked familiar." Mr. Goldstein said.

"You may have since I am a model." I said.

"Well I love your works and I hope to see you in a lot of fashion shows." He said.

Clayton leaned and whispered in my ears. "Yeah I know he probably sound like a creep but he is not I promise and I hope he isn't though."

"Well I got to go to talk to the other guests but I hope you two keep donating to this charity and have a great night." Mr. Goldstein said before leaving.

"So how do you know him?" I asked.

"His daughter is the owner of modeling agency that I am in." Clayton said.

"Ah I see now so he likes you as a son?"

He shrugged and chuckled. "You can say that."


11:35 pm

I was outside of the event with an cigarette in my hand and taking a few puffs out of it.

I don't really smoke that much but when I do it is just to relax and get rid of stress.

"So we are smoking now?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around to see Kai standing front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I am taking photos for the charity." Kai said.

Why does he look so good in a suit? Snap out of it Gabriella you just met this guy well weeks ago but anyway just snap out of it.

I sighed. "Well to be honest I don't really have an answer for your question."

He chuckled. "You don't really seems the type to smoke and you really don't want to ruin that beautiful face of yours."

"Beautiful?" I snickered.

"Come on you are and let me guess your boyfriend never told you that in your life have you?"

Nope , Dean never had and I regret dating him.

"Nope my ex never did but if you think the guy I was with tonight was my boyfriend if you saw us then you would be wrong because he is not."

"So who is he to you?"

"He is my best friend and I would never seen myself dating someone that I see as a brother."

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