Chapter Eleven

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Kai's POV

"Do you mind if we stop at Burger King? I'm kind of hungry," I asked, steering the car towards Burger King.

I glanced at Gabriella, who was busy typing on her phone. When she realized I was staring at her, she looked up, and our eyes locked. There was an expectation that either she or I would break eye contact, but it never occurred.

"I am sorry but what did you say?" She asks.

"I was wondering if you'd mind stopping at Burger King because I'm hungry," I tell her as I pull up to the drive-thru.

"Yeah sure I don't mind at all." She told me.

"Okay then and do you want anything?" I questioned.

"A double whooper,large fries and coke." Gabriella said.

I nodded and an worker appeared through the window waiting for us to order.

"Two double whoopers, two large fries and two cokes ." I spoke.

"Okay that will be $12.25 dollars and you can pay that at the next window." The worker said.

I drove to the next window and paid for the food before leaving the place.

"So are you from here?" Gabriella asked.

"No I am from Minnesota, but I moved to California like an year ago." I spoke.

S/N:I know that in another book of mine, I had him being from Florida but I decided to change it even though he still went to college in Florida.

"How come I never seen you before?"

I shrugged and took a sip of my drink. "I don't know but I wasn't the type to go out everyday and night."

"I can relate to that." She said.

I was going to say something but I was interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing.

Gabriella went to answer the call and I could hear her speaking in Spanish.

You know by looking at her, she is really pretty and beautiful but deep inside I think she doesn't see that at all.


An hour later, I arrived at her place, and she ended the phone conservation that she was having with someone.

"Thanks for giving me a ride." Gabriella said as she takes the seatbelt off and opened the car door to get out.

"No problem." I said.

I noticed the Burger King bag on the passenger seat which still the food inside and can see it haven't been touched except the drink.

"Hey are you still going to eat that?" I questioned, pointing at the food.

She looked at it and then gave me a fake smile.

I could tell that she want to eat it but can't at all.

I know she is a model and they go on a diet but I feel like there is more to this and I can't ask her about it since we barely know each other.

"Yeah I am gonna eat it, just going to save it for later." She said while grabbing the bag and the drink.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure but anyway see you later."

"Yeah see you later."

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