Chapter Two

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Hours and hours went by and I was done early with the GUESS shoot and was finally happy to be done with this.

"The pictures look great but seriously do something about your weight. " Isla said.

I scoffed at Isla's antics and rolled my eyes at her.

"I think she looks fine and besides there is nothing wrong with her weight." The photographer defended me.

Isla scoffed. "No one was talking to you and Gabriella do what I said because by then you probably won't fit in any of your clothes.

I gave her a fake smile. "You know Isla you need to think before you say some stupid shit."

"Well I am sorry for being honest honey but seriously lose some weight." She said.

I hope she falls to her death because she is really testing my patience right now.

Isla looked at the photos again and then looked back at me.

"We need to retake all of this again."

There is no way she is being serious about this.

"Why the photos are fine and there is nothing wrong with her pose." The photographer said.

"Yeah what she said." I said.

"I don't care because we are going to retake it until is perfect and maybe add a lot of editing to it." Isla said.


9:12 pm

"Really this movie again?" Maya complained.

"What? This movie is a classic." Scarlett said.

The movie we are watching is a cliche and sad romance which something Scarlett like for some reason. Well, there is nothing wrong with sad romance movies but I prefer something with a happy ending.

"The next time we have a movie night, you are not choosing. " Cara said.

Scarlett rolled her eyes and grabbed the remote to grab more snacks and drinks.

Few minutes later she walked up to me holding a bottle of Rum and poured some in a cup but she drank the one that was in the red solo cup while handing me the whole bottle of rum.

"Really?" I questioned.

"You look stressed out so I was like maybe this will help you out." Scarlett said.

I shrugged and drank half of the bottle because she wasn't wrong about me being stressed out.

"Did she send you something that maybe pissed you off?" She asked.

"Not yet but I know her ass will like probably message me an edited picture of myself that she thinks is way more perfect."

"Edited no way but honestly looking at you Gabby, you are extremely pretty from head to toes and if I was gay then I would totally date you."

I chuckled at her comment even though she is probably serious about that.

"Anyway just forget about her and let have some fun."

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