Chapter Five

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Two weeks later

"I don't feel going out tonight maybe next time." I said on the phone with Maya.

While I was walking down the hallway, sipping on a smoothie made of mangoes and strawberries, someone accidentally bumped into me, causing the drink to spill all over my shirt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going," a male voice apologized.

I caught a glimpse of him; he had black hair, brown eyes, and a chiseled jawline.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't looking at all." I said.

The man I didn't know took off his jacket and handed it to me.  "I usually don't do this for strangers, but I don't know how you're going to get that stain off your white shirt, so you can wear my jacket." He speaks.

It is impossible to remove a stain from a white shirt, so he was right about that.

"I can't accept this." I said.

"No this is fine and besides I am the one that bumped into you." He says.

"Thanks, sorry, I don't think we've met before. What was your name?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Kai,my name is Kai." Kai said.

"I'll return this to you if we happen to cross paths, but who knows, Kai," I said.

I heard a sound of heels walking towards us and just knew it was Isla.

"There you are Kai, we need you on the set in like four minutes to take the pictures for the ad." Isla said.

So, he is a photographer that's nice......

"I will be there." He said.

"What happened to your shirt Gabriella?" She asked.

I was going to say something but she cuts me off. "Know what I don't really care, just get ready for the shoot." Isla stated before walking away.


After the shoot, I went to a bakery called Rosé and it have the best pastries and deserts in San Diego.

I only been there like three or two times, but it is my favorite bakery, and nothing can't replace it.

"Hi Gabriella, same as usual?" Tyler asked.

Tyler is a friend of mine and owns this bakery well his parents do but took over after they retired.

I nodded. "Yeah same as usual."

Few minutes he hands me my coffee and the bag of pastries which I paid for even though he won't let me pay because he says it is on the house, but it took some convincing for him to take the money.

After saying goodbye to him, I turned around and bumped into a hard chest but thankfully my coffee didn't spill on me.

"We really need to  stop bumping into each other but hey at least nothing spilled." A familiar voice was heard and it was the same guy I met at the building.

"Kai right?" I asks.

"Yeah and I see you are big fan of lemon squares." Kai said.

"Yeah it is my favorite and what are you doing here?"

I don't know why I ask  that like anyone can come here.

"Yeah I come here all the times especially for the lemon squares."

I chuckled. "Yeah they are really good but I got to go so see you later."

"Yeah see you later and um Gabriella the pictures that  I took of you for the ad was really breathtaking like you were made for it."


"No problem."

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