Chapter Twelve

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Three days later.....

"Hey, who is the guy you are photographed with in this magazine?" Scarlett asked.

She placed the magazine down on the table and on the second page, you can see Kai sitting on the the edge of the bed shirtless and my hands were on his chest.

"Also damn he is fine as fuck." She said.

Yeah he is........

"He is a photographer but had to fill in because the original model was late and Isla didn't want to waste time." I said.

"Ooh a photographer so what is his name?" Scarlett questions.

"His name is Kai." I told her.

"Kai mmh what a good name for a cute guy." She said.

I rolled my eyes at her and scrolled through my phone.

"Scarlett you are something but he is really not that good looking." I said.

"Gabby please don't lie to me and to yourself because both of us knows that he is good looking and probably hotter than Dean."

"Yeah maybe he is."

"So anyway a little birdie told me you went out with the guy that you met at the park."

Of course Maya told her that......

"It wasn't a date." I stated.

"So what would you call it?" Scarlett wondered.

"Two acquaintances having lunch together that's all but three days ago he asked me out on a date." I said.

"And what did you say?"

I shrugged. "That I will think about it."

Scarlett laughed. "Girl wow so let me guess you are going to say no."

"Scarlett if I liked the guy then I would say yes but I don't so why should I lie and lead the poor guy on?"

"Yeah that is true leading him on is a bad thing."


"You know for someone who thinks she is not drop dead gorgeous, you really have a lot of guys coming to sweep you off your feet."

I scoffed. "Please I don't and besides I am very humbled about myself."


Later on......

"I remembered when my dad took me and my brother to Korea to visit his home, family and I took a picture of this place called the Changdeokgung Palace which was beautiful." Kai said as he took a sip of his iced tea.

"I always wanted to go to Korea but never had the time to plan it out." I say.

"How about one day you and me can go there together as friends." He says.

"Oh I didn't know that we are friends now." I said.

Kai chuckled and smiled. "Well do you want to be friends because honestly you seems like a great person to hang out with."

There is really something about his smile that can bright any rooms up.

I smiled. "Yeah we can be friends."

Elliot walked into the dressing room and rolled his eyes when he saw Kai.

"Kai, Isla needs you to take photos of the other models." Elliot said. "Also stop bothering Gabriella."

Kai looked at Elliot with a confused look on his face before looking back at me.

"Am I bothering you?" Kai questioned.

"No not really." I said.

"If the lady says that she is not bothered by me then I am not bothering her." Kai said.

"Whatever I don't have time for this just get on set and do your fucking job that you were paid to do." Elliot said before leaving the room.

"That Elliot guy is something isn't he?" Kai wondered.

"Yeah he really is." I said.

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