Chapter 2

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I woke up from my buzzing alarm, my body felt weak. Probably because i'm not used to waking up this early, i dozed off as i couldn't lift my eye lids any longer.
"RITA! Get ready for school! You don't wanna be late on your first day!" Mom yelled. I jumped out of bed, it wasn't matted black outside anymore. Crap! I only have 15 minutes left till the bus arrives. I forced my dull body to the bathroom, i flicked the switch and see my reflection through the mirror. I'm already seeing a change, a much different one, i look thinner and feel thinner, but that lower belly fat is still there, i stepped on moms scale and it flashed 129 pounds. I've lost 3 pounds in one week, that's wonderful! My energy grew from my confidence.
I'm ready for my first day of 8th grade.

I stepped on the bus and saw my dearest friend, Juniper. She excitingly waves at me and points out a empty seat next to her.
"Oh my goodness! Rita, did you hear about what happened to Jackson and Annabelle?" She said in shocked. Jackson and Annabelle are that one popular couple in school, true middle school sweethearts that kiss under the bleachers and run away grabbing on each others hands once they get caught by one of the staff members. They'll hold each others hands while they're both in detention, pass each other notes while testing and always make sure they sat next to each other.
"Let me guess, did they break up?"
"Literally!" She kneels on the seat to talked to Prudence, sitting behind us.
Juniper taps me on the shoulder. "Prudence says she might ask Jackson out," 
Prudence likes Jackson? I understand every girl thinks he's attractive, but i've never thought of her and Jackson being together. I began to kneel on my seat. "You like Jackson?" I asked. She smirked to her seat buddy, Amy, a starts giggling. "Maybe."
"Do you think he'll like you back?" I asked. She twirls her blonde hair. "Maybe." She couldn't stop giggling. I'm positive he'll like her back, she has glowing baby blue eyes that matches her golden hair that shines from the sunlight. She can ask any guy out whenever she wants, but i can already imagine how jealous Annabelle would be. I've known Prudence since middle school started, she's a petite shy girl that doesn't get involved in any short of drama. Annabelle, on the other hand, can snap in front of peoples faces and throw hands, even on teachers. Jackson and Prudence seem like a wounderful couple, but Annabelle isn't gonna be able to hide her anger. The bus stopped, i swang my backpack on my shoulder and everyone shouted on the top of their lungs, running out the bus, Juniper and i were the last ones on this deserted bus. Why is everybody excited on their first day of misery? At least my first class is art honors.
I entered the classroom, there were only a few classmates, i looked around and there's no sign of Mr. Grifford. I crashed on my seat, rest my head on my hand and shut my eyes. My eyes suddenly opened once i heard a "tump" next to me. "Hey Rita." Owen greeted politely, our eyes met. I always had art classes with him, he's into painting expressionism and pottery, that's pretty much how we became friends, since i'm into photography, architectural sketching and ink wash painting. Whenever i see Owen, i see a talented and unique gentleman, accent of a Northern Scandinavian and tender attitude. It's surprising how a boy my age has already acted mature, which is why i define Owen as a "man"

Juniper came up to me as she spots me sitting by myself in the cafeteria. "Who's this guy you've been talking to?" She asked, dropping her tray. "Owen?"
"Yea, the guy with the big nose."
Why is she so noisy when it comes to me talking to guys, Owen is obviously my friend.
"What? It's not like i like him."
I rolled my eyes and continued eating my turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread. She changes the topic by saying she finds one of the new students in our English class cute and that she needs tips from me because i've already attracted a boy. Can she talk about something else besides boys.

I stepped out of school and got my camera prepared. Instead of going home, i'm gonna search around to find new architectural areas for my art honors project. The sky is covered and the trees rustle loudly, emptiness surrounds me as there were only old brick apartment buildings and dead oaks. A pitch squeal released as i felt something touch my shoulder, i turned around and it was Owen. "What the living hell Owen?!"
"I'm sorry, i wanted to ask if you can come over to my place and work on the art project together." It's odd that he came up to me without my knowledge, asking me to come over to his place, he could've just asked me while we were still in school. I shrugged it off and agreed, but only if he'll help me find any sights of jaw dropping structures. After half an hour of walking, we've arrived, my head slowly lift up as i awed at the three story building. "Are you wealthy?" I asked.
"My dads a CEO at some bank company."

I peered around his colorful room, he hangs up his art projects just like i do. He took out a heavy book filled with thick sheets of paper inside, he opens it and flips through the pages. "Come here." He points out a drawing of a cartoon man, it looks awful, the face is crooked, the hair doesn't match and the body looks like it's in a uncomfortable position. "I drew this when i was 9." He flips through more pages and the artwork kept looking worse, we chuckled.
"Looks like you've grown out of it."
"I did, i wanted to do animation when i was young, but as i got older, i wanted to do something meaningful instead... If you're ready, we can go to a park thats near, there's tons of creative architecture." He shuts the book. Out of no where i felt an aggressive poke on my head, i touched the back of my head and turned, it's a little boy with a nerf gun aiming at me. "Jimmy!" Owen yelled. the boy ran off. "That was my brother, i'm sorry he did that."
"It's fine, my little sister throws things at me sometimes."

As we were walking around the grassy park, my eyes caught a glimpse of an old fashion church that had those stained glass windows. "That's the church i go to. Do you love it?" He noticed i was staring.
"This is perfect." I pulled out my camera and began clicking, i went behind the church to take one last picture. The land was getting darker and the sun was touching the ground.
"I better head home before before my mom starts panicking."
"You should have dinner with me, my mom's making Beef Wellington."

Owens family were sitting on their seats as his mom prepares the Beef Wellington, there was grease falling from the flaky pastry and fattiness melting on the red meat as it's being cut. Just by looking at it, i know it has load of calories, i can't eat this. I searched for an excuse. "I have to go, i forgot my mom was also making dinner." My voice shivered. "Are you sure? Not even a bite?" Owens mom insisted. "Please. I don't want to make her mad."

I placed the cube photo of the church in-front of me and began outlining with a ruler. My body desires for food but i don't want to increase my calorie intake, i can feel the hollowness from my stomach. I couldn't finish my project with this pain going on, i decided to finish it tomorrow, the project is due next week, so no worries. I slowly got up from my chair so i wouldn't feel light headed again. I opened my notebook and calculated my calorie intake for today.
"1,120 calories." It feels right when i decrease the number each day.

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