Chapter 12

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A crowd of people started running in the hallway, my nosey self joined in, it was coming from Marlee's room, i chimed in to take a closer look, i tip toed and see Marlee on the floor and her nurse checking her pulse. I panicked and pushed everyone. "What happened to her?!" I shouted. No answer, a nurse behind me drags me out of the scene, i kicked my feet in the air as i repeatedly say "Let me go!" My teeth sunk into her arm, she yelped, released me and called me a "bitch". I tried entering her room again, but it was already too late. I heard sirens of an ambulance and see a handful of paramedics rushing in her room with a wheeled stretcher. I ended up on the floor and weep like a child, hitting the floor with my feet and hands. When the paramedics rolled Marlee away, people began losing it, i spotted Bell with her beet red face covered in mucus and tears.
"Bell! What's going on?!" I grabbed her shoulders.
She hiccuped, it's hard to understand what she's saying. "Get off me!" She stoved me.

It was the first time nurse Eva has done something kind to me, she asked if i wanted a ride to check on Marlee. No other patients are allowed to see her, but throughout these couple months, Eva has seen my confidence grew ever since i started being around with Marlee.
I entered the room and she looks paler than before, "She's the skinniest she's ever been. She weighs lesser than a child." Her nurse said. I wish Marlee was awake, it's possible she's not gonna make it do to her frail bones and low blood pressure. Eva patted me on the back and reminded me that we have to leave soon or else other nurses are gonna start noticing i'm gone. I used my time wisely.
I came back to the psychiatric hospital. Once i rest my body in bed, nurse Eva comes in with a tray of french toast sticks, sausage patties, strawberries and two sunny side up eggs. I chomp the french toast in between my teeth, i felt a spark of ache and throbbing, i quickly spit the food out as something cut my mouth. There was a sharp object in the chewed up toast, i picked it up and moved my tongue around and noticed a gap, I broke a tooth! I showed nurse Eva, she was startled. "I'll be right back.." She walks out with my broken tooth and unfinished tray.
"I know what you've been doing." Mrs. Tan stared into my soul with disappointment. My blood sparked. "What's this?" She shakes a plastic bag showing my broken tooth.
"My tooth?"
"And do you know what types of people show symptoms of dental erosions... Bulimics."  She dropped the word, i hid my face with my trembling hands. I'm perturbed, not because i got caught, but because i'm putting my life at risk, i know what i've been doing is wrong, but i did it anyways. I am killing myself, i am slowly dying, i am becoming like Marlee, i'm not ready to face death. I'm scared, and hopeless.

Bell came up to me as i'm siping my green tea.
"I'm sorry for pushing you yesterday, everyone had a hard time."
"Yea, i guess." I signed.
"I love Marlee, but she's aggressive when it comes to eating. I've watched her get smaller day by day and it crushes me... Rita. I don't want to lose her."
"Me either." We wrapped our arms around each other, my shoulder started to get soaking wet.
Seeing Mrs. Tan out of her office was like seeing a cruise ship on a shallow lake. Everybody in the cafeteria has their full attention on her, it's always groundbreaking when Mrs. Tan starts giving out announcement.
"For those who don't know. Yesterday morning, Marlee Ellington has fainted due to hypotension. Doctors sent us an update today, within their hard effort bringing her back, they say she couldn't make it... For her honor, i'm going to be passing out blank cards and envelopes to each person. Otherwise, feel free to gift her."
Mrs. Tan held back tears. Bell let's go of the hug and heads to the bathroom, whimpering. Some saw it coming, some didn't. I sat and process those words in, as there were no more tears left to cry. I placed my five paragraph card in my envelope, an idea popped through my head.
"I know the perfect gift for her."

It was almost time for bed, it's hard to accept the fact that you only live once. Marlee is the bestest friends i could ever trust, but i should've not met her in the first place, if i accepted the fact that i'm ready to heal like the others. I would've been home by now, i don't know where to start, i haven't moved a step yet. The nurses here don't help, they just shove food into my face. I miss Mom, Dad, Rachel, Juniper, Lydia, Prudence, Chad. I even miss Owen, if i had a chance to met him again, i'd forgive him, and hug him, and kiss him. I'm reading one of Marlees books, it's called "The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz." That book was always glued to her hands, she carried it everywhere, it feels wrong reading it, but the words in this book are addicting. The atmosphere was as quiet as a cave, till i suddenly heard a whisper. "Fat." "Fatty." "Chunky." "Pig." I slammed the book. With my door opened only a crack, i saw a peeper. "Fat!" He giggled. "Go away." I said softly. Leon opened the door slightly and spoked louder.
"Aren't you gonna continue losing weight? Fatty!"
"Go away!" My hand formed into a tight fist.
"Marlee should've lost more weight, her body's so big it took up the entire building. Fat bitch."
The book flew right at his eye. "I SAID GO AWAY!" I jumped out of bed and attacked him. I rip the hairs off his head, broke his nose and press my thumbs onto his eyes. His screams were the sound of torture, lights flickered on and my thumbs pressed deeper. I was so close from making this man suffer for eternity, nurses pulled us away from each other. A flow of pridefulness enters me, i grinned as i watch Leon continue shouting in agony. The nurse throws me in a in a room i've never stepped foot on. Throughout the night, there was no light, no sound and no touch.

I peaked over at my sketch of the hospital, then back at Marlees lifeless body. She's floating on tulips, bluebells, peonies, poppies, and roses. I see that Bell gave her a grey teddy bear keychain, i placed the paper over her colds hands. Her mother read every letter the nurses and patient wrote for Marlee, and spoked it on the mic. As she was done reading the last sentence on my letter, a single tear slides down and drops on my lap.

As usual, nurse Eva gave me "The meal for today." tray. Chicken dumplings, potato chips, raspberry apple purée and a vanilla cupcakes.
She takes the empty tray from my lap, i rest still on my bed while my body absorbs it.

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