Chapter 3

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How did i only lose 2 pounds? Last week i lost 3! I'm currently 127 pounds and i've been eating lesser calories. I stepped on the scale again and it showed the same number, i clinched my fist and scrunch the hairs on my scalp. "I'm gonna do better." I said to my reflection. I'm just gonna have a cup of green tea with no honey for breakfast and a granola bar for lunch. The bus isn't here yet so i have plenty of time, i decided to go to the family family to type up "How to lose weight faster?" I'm doing everything the list says. Drink more water, eat more fiber, eat more protein, eat less calories, replace white with wheat, but the only thing i'm not doing is cardio. I groaned, any type of exercise looks difficult and painful, which is why i'm not an athletic person. If i want to lose weight quicker, i better get it over with. Maybe when school's over, i'll do 10 minutes of jogging, but how many calories will i burn? I heard the bus stop outside, i turned off the computer and head out.

"Rita!" Mrs. Julius made loud tapping noises with her long freakish fingernails on my desk, as i jumped i began to hear giggles from behind. This hunger is making me tired, i should've ate something for breakfast, besides that bland green tea, i cant concentrate without feeling like my stomach is eating itself. The bell ranged and it was finally time for lunch. I sat on my isolated table as usual and pulled out my bar. As i looked at the printed picture of the bar, i realized i wasn't hungry anymore, instead i felt sick, i put it down and pushed it away. I saw Owen coming up to me with a big poster. "Is this seat taken?" He asks. "Not at all." He scoots over, i can see Juniper two tables away smirking at me, God she's pathetic. Owen spreads out his poster, i gazed at all the various types of colors, shape, shade, line, and pattern, i can tell he used oil paint instead of acrylic. It's hard to tell what it is, which is what i love about art. "How many days did it take you to complete it?" I asked. "About three." "I love it." I pulled out my project from my backpack and show him the finale touch of the church, not only did i just sketch it with pencil, i also put a touch of black ink on the outline and parts of the darker shading. He holds it with both hands to take a good look at it. "Wow, it looks so real." I love how me and Owen have the same hobbies, but different forms of it, almost like being into music but liking different genres. The finale thing we needed to do with our art projects is write our signatures, then we can turn it in after school, together. As Owen returns back to his original cafeteria seat, Juniper runs up to me with excitement. "Prudence asked Jackson out and he said yes."

As i'm walking out the school, i peaked over from a distance and see Prudence grabbing on Jackson's hand, half of the hallway surrounds them like they're celebrities. I can already imagine how pissed Annabelle must be.

I'm miles away from the school, now's the right time to go for a jog. I put on my headsets and put on some tunes, i bounced at every step i took. "This is fun." I thought to myself. But once 5 minutes pass, i held on to my knees and gasped for air. How do people make it look so easy? I took a deep breathe and tried again. I did a extra 5 minutes of jogging, the cold atmosphere was freezing my lungs, i wanted to collapse, at least i finished my cardio. People who've walked pass me turned their backs as they hear me panting like i'm suffering.
"Rita is that you?" I entered the house as my dry mouth begs for a beverage. "Can you come here for a sec." She pulls out the search list. "What's this?" She points to all the questions i searched out, there were many questions about dieting, easier ways to lose weight and calorie count. She pushes the chair close to me. "Are you looking these up?" She looks at me deep in the eye. "I am." I start biting my nails. "Honey. Why didn't you tell me? I can help you lose weight!" I know mom keeps track with her diet, she's a tennis player and has to be in shape in order to play. I didn't want to tell mom i was on a diet, cause why is it her business? "Tennis is a great sport for weight loss." She added. "But i don't like tennis, you know that." I bragged. "It's not as hard as you think." I still reject the offer.
I fell in bed as my thick blankets wrapped around my cold skin, i felt a vibration in my pocket.
"I saw Annabelle crying in the bathroom and like a hand full of girls comforting her." Juniper said.
"Is it because of Prudence?"
"Yea! as soon as i walked out, she screamed "I'M GONNA KICK HER ASS!""
I knew it was coming.
"Does Prudence know anything about this?"
"No, not yet."
"Well she should know, or else she's gonna get hurt."
"Yea, maybe i'll call Jackson and tell him about it... Anyways, how are you and Owen."
And just like that, i hung up.

"Damnit!" I woke up from my nap and realized i had homework to do, i pulled out the geometric formula worksheet Mrs. Julius handed out. My elbows were on the table as i'm looking straight down at the paper, i don't remember letters being added to geometry. I must've missed everything she was talking about as i was dozed off in class.

"What's wrong?" Owen asked as he entered the class.
"I didn't finish my geometry homework. It's confusing and i couldn't concentrate in class." I had the paper right in front of me, i'm still on question one,
"Let me see the paper... Geometric formula? These are easy, i can totally help you with this."
The second bell ranged and he helped me finish the last question. "How can i thank you?" I rushed to my next class, i passed by Annabelle marching with a hoard of people following her. Juniper jumpscared me by grabbing both my shoulders and shaking me aggressively. "RITA! Annabelle gonna fight Prudence." She panicked.
Suddenly a high pitched scream echoed across the hallway. We ran towards the agony sound, Annabelle's hands were on Prudence. She drags her hair and rips out a chunk of it. The dean breaks them apart and snatch Annabelle out of the scene, Prudence is on the floor sobbing, covering her face as the audience watch. Juniper and i help her get up and took her to the bathroom to whip her droopy tears off. I covered my mouth as i saw the bald spot behind her head, there were spots of blood. "What?" Juniper looked at me concerned as she's helping Prudence clean off her tears, i pointed. "Oh my God..." She said under her breathe.

"You girls should head to class, she'll be alright." The nurse said. Juniper and I said nothing and watched our feet saunter as if nothing happened.

Rachel pounded on the door as i'm getting ready to go to the record store to buy some songs to play while i'm studying. "Rita! I need to go really bad!" She whined. "Just a sec!" I turned to each side of my body as i'm looking in the mirror, my favorite pair of jeans are loose. Before i started being on a calorie deficit, they were high up my waist and my belly button wouldn't show, but now they're low and my belly button is showing. Rachel is still pounding and it's getting on my nerves, i slide the door open. "THANK YOU!" She slams it as i walked out.

The bell on top of the door jangled as i opened it. What a empty place, there's only a few old people here and Chad, who's snapping his fingers on beat while playing Bob Marley. "Hey Chad, what's up?" I came to the check out desk and dropped my records. I've known Chad ever since i've heard about this place, we talk about our problems like we're family and he makes sure everyone here has a smile on their face.
"Same ol' same ol."
"You won't believe what just happened. One of my friends, Prudence. Started dating this guy name Jackson, him and his ex Annabelle recently broke up and once Annabelle realized they were together, she started throwing hands at her."
"Ooh, she a psycho bitch!"
I let out a laugh. "Yea, it was so bad she ripped the hair off her head, leaving her with a bald spot."
"Dayum." He hands me a plastic bag with all my records inside. "Have a great day and stay safe out there!"

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