Genderbent soukoku

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Chuuya was in her room getting ready, her and Dazai had the day off, for the first time ever. She was excited since Dazai promised her a date she would love.

Around 10 am Dazai had finally arrived, flowers in hand smiling at how beautiful her girlfriend looked. "Hello Darling" she said handing Chuuya the flowers dropping the teasing, for now at least.

Chuuya thanked her taking the flowers and setting them in a glass of water then grabbing her keys to the car, she was NOT letting Dazai drive, or else the date would be a disaster.

As they got in the car Dazai whined "but Chuuya! It won't be a suprise if you drive!" she pouted going to snatch the keys from Chuuya.

Chuuya quickly moved her hand away "if you drive, we won't ever make it to the place" she said getting and the car and Dazai sooned followed amd put the destination in the GPS.


Once they had arrived Chuuya was excited it was a Café she has been wanting to try out with Dazai for months, and now she finally could.

Dazai took her hand and they went inside order some sandwiches due to hearing they were good and some coffee, Chuuya had gotten a carmel drizzle one and Dazai got a plane coffee with creamer and surgar.

After they ate, Dazai of course stealing Chuuya food and teasing her about height and her hat, they walked towards a park where they sat on a water fountain.

Dazai kissed Chuuya when people were walking by seeing her girlfriend turn bright red then immediately go to punch her, lucky she dodged.

As it got later Dazai led Chuuya to a little flowery field and asked her to close her eyes, in which she did.

Dazai got on one knee pulling out a beautiful box and opening it showing the most beautiful ring she could find. Eventually Chuuua opened her eyes them widening as she saw Dazai.

Dazai nervously sighed and looked Chuuya dead in the eyes "Chuuua we haven't been together to long just two years, but I'm ready, amd I was wondering if you, Chuuya Nakahara will make me, the happiest woman alive and marry me?"

A few moments passed causing Dazai anxiety to rise, he never really felt emotion so this feeling was weird. Chuuya finally spoke up "oh my fucking god, of course" she smiled starting to cry. Bystanders started clapping for them, a few making grossed faces and leaving.

Dazai stood up and pulled her close putting the ring on her finger and hugging her. She then started crying and kissed Chuuya cheek, who as well was still crying.

That night they spent together cuddling and watching movies.


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