it's going to be okay

372 8 39

Skibiditolet  here you go dear!


Chuuya and Dazai had the day off, they decided to go on a walk to a nearby park where they played around, talked, fought, and had snacks.

Dazai suddenly grabbed the gingers hat and took off with a annoying laugh, as Chuuya realized what his fiancé had done he got up and started chasing the brownie.

"OSAMU! GIVE ME MY HAT!" the ginger yelled out, fully unaware of the figure watching him from a distance.

As Chuuya caught up to the childish man he tackled him to the ground with a laugh, as Dazai groaned in pain and shot tbe orange a glare. "Ow! Chibiko~ that hurt" Dazai pouts with a frown.

"You're fine" Chuuya simply replies snatching his precious hat from the grasp of the chocolatey haired male. As they got up Chuuya noticed Dazai staring off into the distance with a annoyed expression.

"What's wrong Samu?" the tangerine asked with a confused expression, as he said this he looked the direction Dazai was looking at.

"Nothing! Don't worey about it Chuuya~!" Dazai said while quickly grabbing Chuuya by the wrist and dragging him away from that general area. "Huh?" Chuuya made the sound of but quickly dropped it, because honesty, he did not care.

The couple continued about their day per usual, having fun, pranking each other, Dazai annoying Chuuya till he snapped, making out whenever they could without others seeing, laughing, and more.

Eventually they end up at a random bar near their shared apartment.

Chuuya order some wine, while Dazai just ordered a beer, they were talking till Dazai had gotten a call and excused himself to answer it.

Chuuya stayed at their spot mentally preparing for the oh so old dog jokes he knew Dazai was going to make. As he was waiting he felt a bit tired, he was finding it harder and harder to stay awake, next thing he knew he felt someone picking him up, he assumed it was Dazai picking him up cause he was drunk or something so he just leaned into 'Dazai' and let himself drift into unconsciousness.

Once Dazai returnted he wa extremely confused. "Chuuya!" Dazai called out a confused expression upon his face. Dazai then pulled out his phone trying to call his fiancé.


Chuuya woke up, his head was spinning, as he woke up more he shot up from the spot on a bed he was lying on. "Where am I?" Chuuya whispers to himself.

Chuuya got up, he was changed into a... Women nightgown? 'That's strange' the carrot thought. The room had simple plain walls, the bed was less then average but a homeless person would think they were in heaven because of it. There was a small hand-held mirror on a dresser 'strange' Chuuya thought as it was kinda out of place. Chuuya continued to look around, he eventually took note of a full mirror in which he could see everything from thr bed, well he assumed. Eventually he checked under the bed, there was rope and a box.

His attention snapped from thr box to the now opening door.


Dazai was searching the bar, his anxiety slowly rising, till eventually he remembered the man whom was watching them at the park specifically Chuuya. At this remembrance he quickly swore at himself before heading to the agencies where they had the stuff he need to track down Chuuya and maybe get backup if he thinks he needs it.

Dazai quickly grabbed his stuff and rushed to the Armed Detective Agency.


It took a while, since Ranpo couldn't figure it out which means this kidnapper of theirs most likely had an ability that could get around the candy-mans ability.

They had decided to bring back-up as a 'just in case' as they were all worried when they saw Dazai rush in the place in a panic and doing work without being yelled at to do it.


As this was all happening things that are very much unspeakable were happening to Chuuya, and he couldn't fight back, somehow this person had gotten their grubby hands on something that works like Dazai ability and put it on Chuuya then tied him down in such a way he couldn't move, not on his own anyways.

There was a lot of yelling, tears, curses, death threats that Dazai would help make sure Chuuya kept his word on. All in the end the man left furious while Chuuya grabbed the blanket from the bed and sat on thr floor, trying to calm himself.

The Carrot looked at the mirror disgust an horror coming to him all at once due to being forced to watch every.little.thing they did to him in that mirror and also seeing those brusing bite marks around his neck and chest causing him to be disgusted by his very own body, the one that he used to take such pride in, especially when marked in bites, but those weren't the bites he loved.

Tears started to spill even though he tried so desperately to not let them.


"Everyone remember the plan?" Dazai asked Kunikida, Atsushi, and Kyouka. They all said a simple "yes" amd they headed in, unaware of what the poor ginger had gone through.

They all went their seperate ways in orders to find Chuuya, and the culperate. Dazai quickly found a door in which he heard soft sniffles behind, the door was locked so he quickly busted it down to which he found his fiancé crying on the floor.

Dazai eyes went wide seeing Chuuya nude form.

Dazai quickly stripped himself of his tan coat and wrapped it around Chuuua who was first scared and moved away but once seeing Dazai, allowed it.

"Dazai?" Chuuya whispered a call for the man he trusted with his life. "I'm here Chuu.." Dazai said while wrapping his arms around Chuuya, they heard yelling and some gunshots in the distance which Dazai assumed meant they found the bastard.

Chuuya started sobbing even harder "he" Chuuya paused "he came into the rook and he...he grabbed me pushing me to the bed.." Chuuya started to rabt and Dazai couldn't make out the words so he just held Chuuya close and whispered comforting words into his ear.

Once the gunshots stopped the brownie lifted the orange into his arms and started walking out, he immediately went to the car covering Chuuya eyes as they walked past the disgusting man.

While sitting in the car Dazai noticed the bracelet on the shorters wrist and recognized it immediately so he quickly broke it off Chuuya and threw it out the window, silently planning a brutal death for someone.


Hi my loves, I would have written more but I couldn't because I couldn't write what he did to Chuuya since all the ideas were disgusting and I just couldn't, but I hope it was at least what you hoped for (the person who asked for this)

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