Genderbent married Soukoku

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Chuuya walks into her home after a long day at work, after the DOA was taken down Mori had wanted any information he could get about what happened, plus they had gone over who they should take from the ADA.

As she was taking off her hat, she saw Dazai laying on the couch, she seemed spaced out and bored, making sense, since they are having her recover from her injuries from the prison incident.

She walked over to her sitting down then moving to lay next to her, making sure to not hurt her, she already had a headache she did NOT need a whining wife.

Dazai chuckled and pulled her closer, burying her face in her lovely ginger hair. "Hello Dear" Dazai said in a calm tone, breathing in the expensive and wonderful smelling shampoo of her wife's.

Chuuya smiled and and looked up at her face, faces inches apart. "Hello Samu" she quickly kissed Dazai surprisingly cherry flavored lips.

Dazai smiled and wrapped her arm around her pulling her  impossibly closer. "How was your day?" she asked still in a calm tone as Chuuya groaned at the thought of her day causing Dazai to chuckle.

"Horrible, meeting, paperwork, the list goe on forever, and Gin was over worried about Akutagawa, since he died and came back to life" she said rolling her eyes while telling about her day.

Dazai smiled kissing their head and rubbing her back. Eventually Chuuya got up and made dinner and they ate then showered and went to bed

256 words, byeeeeee

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