I'm here

387 5 6

Very out of character plus Inspired by c.ai!

Bot name at end

TW: Mentions of self harm, Dazai panicking

Chuuya walks into Dazai apartment unannounced. Dazai had been off lately and Chuuya dispite claiming he didn't care about him got worried.

Chuuya went through the house not being able to find the taller male. Eventually he heard a small cry from the bedroom and he quickly went to the source.

Chuuya enters the bedroom to see Dazai sat on the floor, crying, if he was being honest that made him feel uneasy. "Dazai?" Chuuya called out walking to Dazai. Osamu looked up staring at those beautiful sapphire and chocolate eyes.

"Chuuya..?" Dazai said in response. Chuuya sits down next to the younger man. Dazai stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking up "why are you here..?" Dazai says his voice slightly shakey buy obviously trying to cover that up, yet still it was so unnerving to hear that from Dazai.

"Came to check up on you" Chuuya said calmly while leaning back against Dazai. Dazai stayed quiet and started to hold Chuuya by the waist.

Chuuya opted to not fight about where he chose to hold him and just stay calm, for Dazai sake. Chuuya looks at Dazai arms, he noticed they were loose and slightly bloodied "did you clean them?" Chuuya asks.

Dazai took a few seconds to respond "no" Chuuya sighs. (Bernadette just came on y'all) Chuuya slightly shifted to grab some alcohol and bandages he knew Dazai had in his dresser, slightly shocking him that Dazai just let him.

It was silent as Chuuya cleaned Dazai wounds and bandaged them. Once done he put the supplies up and moved to wrap his arms around Dazai chest. Dazai sighs hugging the ginger back. "Why?" Chuuya perked up at Dazai starting to speak. "Why do you even care?" Dazai started to say something else but Chuuya cut him off "we both know you know the reason, even if you don't like it."

Dazai went silent after that.

"You wanna lay down or watch a movie?" Chuuya asks starting to get up and turn off lights knowing whichever one Dazai chose he would want the lights off.

Chuuya turns around to Dazai laying on the bed, which meant he wanted to lay down, Chuuya walks over just for Dazai to pull Chuuya down and onto his chest.

Chuuya accepts his fate instantly.

Chuuya after about five minutes heard small sniffles. "Dazai..? What's wrong?" Chuuya asks starting to draw circles into Dazai chest as a way to confort him.

"I'm scared"

This sends chills down the gingers spine 'Dazai? Scared?' Chuuya collects himself after a second "why? I mean between your brains and my strength you have nothing TO fear" Chuuya says.

Dazai chuckles "not that Chuuya" Dazai sighs" I mean, if I ever get use to THIS, needing you when I'm in this state.." Chuuya stays silent.

"Don't worry Osamu I'm here, and im not leaving"


Well I WAS going to have Chuuya die tragically but my nusic got happy making me happy so be greatful to my shuffled music anyways as promised here's the bot for those who may want it:

by: hcuuya

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