Dear I--e's Boyfriend

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Dear Il--'s boyfriend,

I am genuinely so sorry I referred to you as "ugly" today. You will never know I did. I don't even know you. But for your sake and mine, I have to apologize to you. What I said was really callous and thoughtless. I would hate it if somebody said what I said behind your back. I'm sure they have. And you aren't even ugly. You're a very dapper, interesting-looking bloke. There's a good reason you've been cuffed.

I write this to you because becoming what you hated is a mortal sin, in my opinion. It's not just a bad thing to do, but it's intensely fucking tragic. I have never felt more ugly or unlovable in my entire life than this last month. I was recently kind of confirmed as the ugly one in my sexy group of friends. That, coupled with the castle of self-loathing I build for myself every day, has made me feel concerningly shitty. I'm having the kind of nights where you go, "I got some bad ideas in my head." Nobody deserves to have this done to them. Not by me, definitely not to you. I owe it to myself and to you not to spread this shit around. 

I don't know you at all. I will probably never know you. But you're a person, just like me. That I know to be true. So, you are worthy of dignity, and the love I know Il-- gives you is not unearned. If God exists, He did not make you into a kind of leper whose horrible skin is meant to be both a punishment to you and a warning to others. You are not a leper. None of us are. You deserve to be loved, man.

Your friend,

P.S. I am going to be fine.

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