{Part 1}

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The sweet blonde girl pulled back, holding her at arm's length, and "V" (now understanding that was who she really was) blinked back the tears quickly.

"You must be starving!"

The girl grabbed V's hand and led her toward a queue. Insisting there was so much she had to catch her up on, the girl began chatting away about some TV show they must have both enjoyed watching together. V could hardly concentrate and found herself peeking at the girl's wristband.

S. Ferrow

V looked at the girl's beaming smile, her bright, expressive eyes that were a vivid green, wondering how long they had known each other, when suddenly she realized the girl's friendly chatting had come to halt, and she was looking at V expectantly as if she was waiting for an answer to a question V hadn't heard her ask. V balked.


The sound of her own voice was unfamiliar to her. The girl's eyes crinkled and she laughed,

"I was asking if you noticed anything different about me?"

V flinched, "Um..." Fortunately, the girl swished her bouncy blonde curls slightly, and V inwardly blew a sigh of relief, realizing what the difference must have been. "You...changed your hair?"

The girl nodded, excitedly, "Yes! What do you think?"

V felt the impulse to give her a reassuring smile, despite how unsure she felt in her own skin, and obliged it.

"It suits you."

It wasn't a lie. V didn't know what it had looked like before the girl had done whatever she did with her hair, but without a doubt, it seemed to match her bubbly, easygoing personality. Soon, they were at the front of the line, and the Cafeteria attendant - an older lady with grey hair swept up into a neat bun - smiled at them, handing them two empty food trays to fill with whatever they wanted.

"Good afternoon, Sienna," the woman greeted the girl, warmly. "And Videl! How nice it is to see you up and about."

My name is Videl?  She thought to herself, and nervously glanced at the girl who seemed to be a friend of hers. Sienna.  Why weren't those names jogging her memory?

"Good afternoon, Shannon!" Sienna giggled.

Videl forced a polite smile, not sure what to say. Luckily for her, Sienna's gabbing was as plentiful as it was friendly, filling the vacuum left by Videl's meek silence. Instead, Videl busied herself by filling her tray with everything that looked good to eat, her hunger pangs feeling strong enough to knock her off her feet. Was it normal to be this hungry after waking from cryo-sleep? Her tray covered with meats and vegetables, she began to reach for an odd-looking fruit when Sienna suddenly gasped and slapped her hand away from it.

"V! What are you doing?" Sienna cried out.

Startled, Videl jerked her hand back as if the fruit would burn her like a hot coal.

"I-I was just grabbing some..."

But Sienna's eyes were wide, and Videl's words died on her lips.

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