{Part 37}

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Videl yawned and stretched as she woke up, feeling wonderfully rested and grateful that she didn't have a repeat of her nightmare from the middle of the night. She felt her cheeks burn as she thought of everything that happened. If she hadn't woken up screaming without Kane beside her, she probably wouldn't have gotten so freaked out - and if she hadn't reacted that way, she wouldn't have had the guts to tell him that she loved him. She wouldn't know that he loved her back, so maybe the terror induced by her awful dream had been worth it - just this once. As Videl blinked a few times, she realized Kane wasn't in bed next to her, but she quickly peeked over the side of the bed to see if he had moved to the floor for whatever reason. The throw blanket down there was formless and empty. Only a few seconds passed that she started to panic, but the sound of music coming from the living room quelled it.

It was one of those music channels that played songs from an era when people still lived on the Ground. Relieved, Videl smiled at the sound of it, as she went to pick up the blanket from the floor and make her bed. There was something about the airy, somewhat fuzzy and disembodied sound of the centuries-upon-centuries old singer's voice that was so unlike the more modern music she'd listened to with Sienna at their sleepover. It made her feel nostalgic for a life on the abandoned planet that no one on Titan had ever experienced. Videl practically skipped to the bathroom to brush her teeth and shower, before she rifled through clothes for something to wear. She glanced at the drawer that Kane must have put the scarves back in that morning, and a tiny strip of purple was sticking out where one of the scarves had gotten caught in the lip of it when he'd closed it. A blush rose to her cheeks at the image of him tied to her bed, writhing under her mouth, that appeared in her mind at the sight of it.

Videl shook her head in disbelief as she opted to pick something from the wardrobe instead. Her searching gaze landed on the silver dress that had reminded her of Kane's eyes, the first time that she had looked through the wardrobe, what felt like a lifetime ago. She pulled off the towel that she'd wrapped around her body and dried her hair a little with it, before putting on the silvery outfit. She took a moment to look in the mirror, swishing the skirt back and forth, and enjoying the magical-looking metallic sheen that caught the light. Then, she studied her face for a second, glad to see that the scratches that she'd marred herself with only the morning before were less angry-looking. They were starting to heal. She hoped that they wouldn't scar, with a frown at the thought. She was already apparently known to others as the weird little virgin girl, she didn't want to add masochistic psycho  to the moniker.

When she left her bedroom in favor of the living room, she paused beside her couch. Kane was in the kitchen, and the smell of coffee brewing filled the air, as she heard him humming along with the song. The sight of him like that, even with his back turned to her, felt so natural - so right. She could imagine waking up every day to it, and the wholesomeness of the scene was something that she was sure that she would never get tired of. She probably stood there staring for far too long, but she didn't care. She didn't want to do anything else.

Kane grabbed one of the mugs of freshly-brewed coffee and turned around finally, and he basically jumped out of his skin, dropping the coffee mug with a fantastic clatter when he saw her standing there.

"Shit! Sorry, I didn't hear you come in," Kane cursed with a rueful smile, as he bent down to pick up the broken ceramic on the floor. "Belle's gonna kill me."

Videl quickly bent down as well, to help him pick up the shattered coffee mug. "Are you kidding? Belle loves messes," Videl told him with her own smile, completely unbothered by the loss of the mug, when she had more in the cabinet that hardly had any use. "Sometimes I think that's the only reason she puts up with me - because I'm such a mess, and I'm an expert at making them."

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