S2 chapter 23

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In morning -

YN was getting ready to go office as it's gonna be her first day there. Tae was also getting ready to go to his office. YN's office was in the way of his office so he thought to drop her.

Tae - Are u ready ?

YN - Yup let's go.

They both sat in the car and went. Soon they reached at Lee corporations office building.

Tae - All the best YN. Rock your first day. Be sincere and professional ok. No need to be nervous. ( kissed her forehead)

YN - thank u tae... I'll work hard sincerely. ( smiled )

Tae - hmm...and as your departure time is at 6pm. I'll be waiting here to take u.

YN - hmm Ok...bye tae. ( kissed)

Tae looked at YN's disappearing figure and drove the car to his office.

YN went to her cabin and stood near the window feeling the positive vibes to start her first day but just then Mr Lee came and YN looked at him.

YN - good morning sir ( bowed)

Mr Lee - hmm morning...u r on time. I like ur punctual nature.

YN - nee thank u sir... actually my husband is so punctual as he dropped me here today.

Mr Lee - ohh good to hear that. Anyways sit on ur chair. I'm here to explain u today's task.

YN nodded and took her seat while Mr Lee also sat on chair beside her. While explaining the task he hold YN's hand and started caressing it due to which she was startled but thought that it was unintentional and focused on her task.

Mr Lee - ok so it's done now...so I hope u understood the work to do today. These are the files

YN - yee..ss sir. I'll work on it

Mr Lee went from there while YN started doing her work. After few hours her work got completed so she went to Mr Lee's cabin to submit the files.

YN - sir...I have completed it.

Mr Lee - wow so good.  U did great on ur first day.

He patted her shoulders while appreciating and squeezed it a bit which made YN uncomfortable.

Mr Lee - ok u can go now...be here tomorrow at the same time. It's a ritual here for every employee to hug me at the end of the day.

YN - excuse me...si.rr ?

Mr Lee - it's just a boss-employee hug and everyone follows it...so u need to do it too.

Mr Lee hugged YN but his hands were on her ass and he squeezed it harshly which made YN shocked so she backed off and went away.

She went outside with a down face. Taehyung was waiting for her eagerly but frowned by looking at her upset face.

Tae - what happened YN ?
Is there something wrong ?

YN - no nothing...let's go.

She said and sat inside the car without looking at tae. Tae frowned and took his seat and started driving the car. Throughout the journey YN was looking outside the window being lost in her thoughts while tae noticed it and held her hand which made YN startled and she gasped. He stopped the car.

Tae - hey YN...calm down. It's me. What happened ?

YN - n..noo nothing. U suddenly held my hand so I became scared.

Tae - what ? It's not the first time I held ur hand....why are u afraid of it ? I was making sure if everything is fine.

YN - yes..but u did it suddenly so I thought someone else...

Tae - someone else ? There's no one in the car except us...and why will someone else will dare to  hold ur hand huh ?

YN - nothingg...just drive. I want to go home. ( said in one breath)

She was shocked at that time as it reminded her about how Mr Lee touched her hand. No doubt she was so comfortable with Tae but she was disturbed by that incident and was in a dilemma that whether Mr Lee did it intentionally or not.

Soon they reached home and YN quickly went to their shared room and plopped up on the bed. Tae too came inside by following her. He went near her and caressed her shoulders to wake her up...but then again YN remembered that incident when Mr Lee had touched her shoulders so she gasped and stood up.

Tae - hey YN...are u fine ? Why r u behaving like this ? Did ur boss scold u ?

YN - pls don't talk about him...I need some rest so pls leave me alone.

Tae - but YN...

YN - please Tae... I'm begging u.
Leave me alone for sometime...I am tired so I want to sleep for a while.

Taehyung sighed and nodded. YN slightly pushed him out of the room and locked it...just then jk noticed it.

Jk - hey hyung...what r u doing outside of the room ? Did noona kick u out ? ( laughed )

Tae - hey it's not a situation to laugh...pls don't irritate me.

Jk - why hyung ? Did something happen ?

Tae - ( sighed ) I also don't know what happened to YN. She is behaving so weird after coming from her office.

Jk - don't overthink...I guess she is really tired as it was her first day. She will get used to it...so don't worry.

Tae - hmm hope so... she'll be ok after taking rest. But where will I go now ? I need to change my clothes too.

Jk - haha...come to my room. Wear my clothes for today.

In jungkook's room -

Tae - so whatsup ? How's everything going on ?
( asked while wearing shirt )

Jk - umm nice. Just after 1 year I'll be graduated from college so I'm excited.

Just then jk's phone rang and it was inside the cupboard where tae was changing his clothes.
He looked at the phone screen and saw that Lisa was calling.

Tae - hey...why Lisa is calling u ?

Jk - ( widened eyes ) oopss....I guess she is calling to ask me some doubts .

Tae - what!? She is your senior...and she is calling u to clear her doubts ?

Jk - don't u know bro... I'm so intelligent. Can't a junior clear the doubts of a senior huh ? U should be proud of ur lil bro.

Tae - really...since when u became this intelligent huh

Jk - ofcourse... I'm your brother hyung. Won't I be supposed to be intelligent.

Tae - ohh that's true...after all u r my brother... that's why u r so smart. ( flipped his imaginary long hairs )

Jungkook went from there with a nervous laugh to attend the call while tae was busy in praising himself.

In the call -

Lisa - hey why it's taking so long to pick up the phone huh !?

Jk - hey hyung was there...btw when will we reveal our relationship. I can't hide it anymore.

Lisa - hey don't say this... otherwise your bro will kill me.

Jk - hey don't accuse my hyung...he is really very good. I know that he will support us...and YN noona too.

Lisa - anyways...what's my YN is doing now ?

Jk - she was feeling tired after her office so she is taking rest now

Lisa - what ? Is she ok ?

Jk - don't worry... she is just exhausted. I will tell her to call u whenever she will wake up.

Lisa - ok then bye...love u.

Jk - hmm love u too.


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