Chapter 3

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As the days passed, the time finally came for Izuna to start attending school. Kari, their mother, shouted to wake up both Izuna and Suno.

Izuna and Suno both flinched as they were jolted out of their beds.

Izuna rubbed her head and complained, "Ow, my head."

Suno groaned and asked, "Why so loud?"

Kari encouraged them, "Come on, hurry, you guys!"

Izuna remembered the significance of the day and exclaimed, "Oh yeah, today is my first day at school! Let's hurry, Suno."

Both siblings quickly got ready and headed outside to meet Kari.

Kari couldn't hide her excitement and said, "I can't believe you get to start a year early, Izuna. Imagine all the friends you can make."

Izuna, seemingly distracted by the impending school day, didn't say anything in response.

Together, they made their way to the front of the school.

Kari gave Izuna a final pep talk, saying, "Okay, sweetie, go show them what you can do. We're rooting for you!"

Suno chimed in with his encouragement, "Yeah, sis, show them just how cool you are."

Izuna hugged Suno tightly, expressing her affection and anxiety. "Brother, I'm going to miss you."

Suno returned the hug and replied, "I'm going to miss you too. Take care and do your best."

Izuna nodded and wiped away a tear, saying, "Okay, I'm going now. See you soon."

With a wave, Izuna turned and disappeared inside the school, ready to face her first day of classes, leaving Suno and Kari behind with a mixture of pride and concern for her future.

Waving goodbye to Izuna, Kari bends down to whisper to suno in a serious tone "When we get home let's have a"

Suno, worried about what could possibly be on her mind, simply nods and walks with her back home.

The trek back home through town was accompanied by awkwardly stiff tension

Suno, feeling the tension, nervously broke the silence, "You want to talk to me, Mom?"

Kari glanced at him, her expression stern, and replied, "I know what you've done."

Suno was puzzled and stammered, "What do you mean, Mom? You're not making sense."

Inwardly, Suno was racking his brain, trying to figure out what she was referring to.

Kari, with a fireball flickering in her hand, didn't waste any more time. She raised her hand and sent the fireball flying towards Suno. In a reflex, Suno channeled his mana and sent one of his own fireballs to intercept it.

Their fiery projectiles clashed in the air, creating an explosion.

Kari continued to send more fireballs Suno's way, her attacks growing stronger.

Suno panicked, realizing that something was amiss. He activated his fire aura and created fire bolts, attempting to defend himself from the onslaught.

But the situation was escalating rapidly, and Suno couldn't comprehend why his mother was attacking him.

As Kari unleashed a particularly massive fireball, Suno knew he had to evade. He sent three firebolts to counter it and tried to retreat from the impending explosion.

However, Kari appeared behind him, taking advantage of his distraction. Suno attempted to kick her, but she deftly caught his leg and pushed him to the ground, standing over him with one eye glowing ominously.

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