Chapter 6

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Argast continued to scrutinize Suno, his gaze unwavering. In response, Suno, feeling a mix of emotions, hesitated for a moment before releasing his mana.

Argast questioned Suno, emphasizing the difference in their magical abilities and experience, "So you would challenge me given the difference in our ability and experience?"

Suno's resolve unwavering, he responded with determination, "No matter what, I will protect my family."

Suno activated his fire aura, pushing his magical power to its peak, demonstrating his unwavering determination to stand his ground against Argast.

Argast, briefly surprised by Suno's show of strength, eventually powered down his own mana, conceding, "No matter what, you say? Okay, I get it."

With a more serious tone, Argast continued, "Suno, you're a good kid, but you don't know your limits. You act without logic. You want to protect your sister, but you didn't think of how you could do it. What exactly could you do if someone like me really wanted to hurt you guys...?"

Suno mulled over Argast's words, realizing that his desire to protect Izuna had always been more of a feeling than a reasoned plan. He began to question his own motivations.

Suno wondered aloud, "You were just testing us?"

Argast clarified, "You."

Suno inquired, "Why me, exactly?"

Argast explained, "Seeing you firsthand allows me to say things with confidence. Without a doubt, you're strong, but you lack control. Without control, you'll do more harm than good."

Argast suggested that they bring Izuna inside to continue the conversation. As they reentered the room, Suno voiced his thoughts, "I think I get what you meant now, but not really."

Argast sighed, "It's fine. I didn't expect you to completely get it at first. But as long as you heard me, it's fine."

He then urged Suno, "Now let's try to get along while we are here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Suno reluctantly agreed but was upset when Argast added a condition "No magic."

Meanwhile, Izuna started to wake up and began questioning her brother. She worriedly asked, "Suno, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Suno reassured her, "I'm fine, but why are you worried about me?"

Izuna confessed, "I thought he was going to bully you."

Suno chuckled and explained, "As you can see, I'm fine."

Izuna remained adamant in her desire to challenge Argast, eager to continue practicing with her magic. However, Suno tried to convince her to take a break, emphasizing that Argast was in charge, and that they could still find other things to do or read.

Izuna stood up resolutely, determined to use their magic. Suno struggled to comprehend the situation, finding it increasingly challenging to make sense of the events that were unfolding.

And so, a series of failures began. Izuna made numerous attempts to challenge Argast, but before she could even make an effort, he would easily knock her out. This pattern continued for several days, wearing Izuna down, making her less willing to challenge Argast.

Argast, seeing the stubborn determination in Izuna, drew a parallel to her mother. He approached her and tried to put an end to the repeated challenges, "You're stubborn like your mother. Can we put this to rest now?"

Exhausted, Izuna, who had been tireless in her efforts, responded, "Not until you let us practice." As the fatigue overcame her, she fell asleep.

Argast, having accepted her challenge, looked at Suno and suggested, "Hey, Suno, take her inside."

Suno, growing increasingly weary of the situation, followed Argast's instruction. He carefully brought Izuna inside and tucked her into bed. Feeling bored and frustrated, he contemplated his limited options "There's nothing to do here. I've read everything in this house. The only thing left would be training, but that's banned."

With a heavy heart, Suno lay on the floor and soon fell asleep. A few minutes later, Izuna woke up, realizing she had once again failed in her challenge against Argast, and began to cry, feeling the weight of her frustration and the unfairness of it all.

Suno, growing increasingly concerned about his sister's situation,found Argast and spoke up, "Hey, Argast, why don't you let up on her? Don't you think she's had enough?"

Argast, resolute in his stance, responded, "No, I don't. Until she accepts that my word is final, this will continue."

Suno tried to reason with Argast, "We listen to everything else you tell us, too. Can you cut us some slack?"

Argast's reply was stern, "We don't get to choose what rules we follow, kid. It may have been that way with your mother, but don't forget, I'm not your mother."

Suno held his ground, returning Argast's stern gaze. Argast questioned him, "What? Are you going to try something?"

As Suno powered up his magic and confronted Argast, he asked a simple question, "All we want is to improve our skills. Why are you trying to stop us?"

Argast remained firm, dismissing Suno, "You wouldn't understand. You're just a kid."

Suno continued to argue his case, "You shouldn't be punishing her anyway. I'm the one who got us in trouble."

Argast stepped forward, his expression unyielding, "And she could have stopped you and worked things out on her own."

Frustrated, Suno questioned Argast's motives, "Why do you even care so much? You're not even our dad."

Argast's response was unexpected, as he said, "You know what? You're right."

Suno was taken aback, "Really?"

Argast's final words suggested a hint of complexity, "I'm just some old man. What could I know?"

Argast, turning his back to Suno, waved him off dismissively, saying, "Go on. Practice your magic. I don't care."

Suno accepted the unspoken permission and went on to find Izuna. He asked her, "Hey sis, what are you doing?"

Izuna, deep in thought, replied, "Hey, Suno. I'm thinking about something."

Suno was curious, "It wouldn't happen to be how to make Argast change his mind, would it?"

Izuna complained, "He's so annoying, but I have a new plan."

Suno reassured her, "Don't worry, I took care of him for you. We can practice again."

Izuna patted Suno's head, expressing her gratitude, "Sorry again for making you do everything. You must hate me for being so lame."

Suno gently responded, "Hey, don't say that. Remember I told you I would always have your back, no matter what. Now, come on, let's go figure out moms advice."

Just like that it seemed the looming issue of practice had finally passed and Suno and Izuna were finally able to begin practicing after a grueling week of effort. 

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