Chapter 21: Kyokugenryu

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Some days ago, in South Town... It was a peaceful night at the city where the criminality was a big worry, a young couple were enjoying some time inside a local dinner, both talking on the table enjoying their hamburgers. I was surprised that we had some free time, normally pop requires a lot from you, I thought you would be tired." The young girl of 19 years old enjoyed her time with her boyfriend which when wasn't busy with the family business was busy training to fight. "To be honest the pace is not easy, but I believed I'm already used to it, at least we can enjoy ourselves." The young man just a little older with long tied black hair replied trying to enjoy the time that the two finally got. "I hope you didn't choose the diner to avoid my homemade food. She unleashed a good laugh by trying to let him embarrassed. You cook well, but I wanted to make something different that we could enjoy on a more relaxed way." He tried to defend himself but noticed his girlfriend's sense of humor. "I'm just kidding, sometimes you take me too seriously!" She said finishing to eat and laughing on a childish way. "It's typical of myself." He laughed while finished eating. "Your father seems to have plans for tomorrow, your brother must be nervous." Robert Garcia talked to Yuri Sakazaki, the family youngest that carries on the Karate Kyokugenryu tradition. "We have to prepare ourselves, besides you should notice that I'm not a helpless lady, I also know how to fight." Yuri said already knowing the way that she was treated by Robert and the family, they treated her as a fragile girl that somehow, she was in the past. "But I prefer that you don't need to fight, you know enough to defend yourself." He spoke observing the little negative reaction from the young girl. "Well, we don't want pop to overdo in your training without your deserved rest." She talked already preparing to get up. "You're right, but we'll have more time." He got up walking to the balcony to pay what both had ate, she just left walking. "I'll be waiting in the car." She said while walked to Robert's luxury car, a beautiful red Ferrari. After entering the car, the same started to observe the view of that town, place where she would not live anymore after a couple of days, place where her father grew teaching the Karate Kyokugenryu discipline for the Americans that searched for his dojo, she also saw in the middle of the people a man with a suit as uniform, tie and dark glasses acting suspiciously but already knew by Yuri. "It can only be one of the Mr. Big's henchmen. These black market traders doesn't learn the lesson..." Lost into her thoughts, Yuri soon came back to reality when Robert jumped into the driver's seat, entering the car without opening the vehicle door. "Worried?" He asked as he was always worried with her. "No, I'm fine." He heard her answer and turned on the car with his own key. "The Garcia Foundation, are you ok with the vice-presidency?" The car left and the talk continued in the middle of the road. "My father understands that I also have my own commitments, he knows I have a great pride of carrying my father's tradition." It was nine o'clock at night and for Robert travel outside Italy already made part of his daily, when it wasn't for business, it was for your training and your ladylove Yuri. "He also has a great pride of you, on condition that the subject matter is not our relationship." She laughed knowing that her father Takuma and her brother Ryo were very jealous when the subject was the young girl's love life, which nevertheless faced it all with good humor, only angry when they treated her like someone who hasn't acquired independence. "That was something I already thought." He said with a smile on the face always with good humor. Some time has passed and the two arrived at Sakazaki family home. "Well, we arrived." Robert removed the seat belt and opened the door to Yuri to get out taking her to the entrance. "Well, are you gonna sleep already?" Robert asked at the entrance. "I'll not stay until later, and you?" Yuri asked in order to take a little scare. "He also will not stay until later Yuri!" Ryo Sakazaki on his typical fighting kimono took Robert holding his neck with his left arm on a padlock shape by the back taking him inside. "Yes, we can't take so long to sleep if we're gonna take into account our agenda." Takuma said showing up behind Ryo helping him to take Robert to the bedroom.

The following morning Yuri woke up lazy eight o'clock in the morning, after brushing the teeth and dress herself with her training clothes she found her brother at the kitchen drinking a glass of milk with coffee and eating a bread with butter. "Nii-san(Japanese form of calling older brother), where are pop and Robert?" Yuri asked opening the fridge and also serving herself. "The two went early for the dojo, soon our father comes with his plans in mind." Carefree, he took a little more coffee. "Seriously leaving me behind?!" She asked rhetorically and left until the home door where she found at the mail an envelope with a letter addressed to her. "We are opening The King of Fighters 1994 following the time honored custom. This year we will adopt a special rule of competition between teams of 3 fighters. That's all... [R]." She finished reading excited with what that tournament could be to her. "Nii-san!" Ryo heard her entering with a letter and envelope at hands. "What is this?" He asked curious without much worry. "An invitation to the tournament King of Fighters from this year! We need to enter!" She showed to Ryo which worried about her. "Do you understand what does this mean? It's very dangerous for you to go, if dad discover he will surely not be willing to take that risk, do you think Robert would also accept something like that? The King of Fighters tournament was ruled by underworld people and you don't have what it takes to participate in a tournament of such height, it's very dangerous for you and I need to protect you." Ryo knew that the thing could be serious and he had his reasons to protect her. "But we can, I know how to handle myself in a fight nii-san." She kept the letter back to the envelope and was angry. "The answer is no." She kept the envelope already stressed and tried to get along with her brother. "I'm already independent, you should be happy for me." It was an unpleasant argument and Ryo repeated himself. "If I say no, I mean no! Absolutely not! I will absolutely not allow it!" He was a little heavy but it was for the sake of his sister which simply disappeared from his sight.    

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