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The fire raged on. Hot, warm air came hurtling at her. She cried out in pain and agony. She tried to get away, but she was bundled up in her mother’s arms. The house creaked and groaned. People, running and trying to get away passed the screaming baby. One of these people kicked her out of the mother’s arms.

Now, the child was free. She rolled away from her mother as a pillar of burning wood falls down, separating the child and her mother forever. The child did not know this, but she rolled until something shaded her from everything else. Exhausted, the girl waited.

Something creaked, like something was going to fall. A loud crash made her start to cry again, for the sound pained her ears. Everything was shaded and she found this comforting, for some reason. The fire continued to spread throughout the house as if searching for her, but she was safe under a table with a pile of bricks on top.

Hours later, after the fire finally calmed down, eating what it could, commoners came to see what had happened to the house. The baby awoken to the sound of treading feet above the table protecting her. She cried out again.

Someone heard and started digging up the bricks. Soon, the table was removed and the little girl was found. They picked her up and cradled her, trying to calm her. The girl started to calm down and when she finally stopped crying, she was at a different house, newly built.

A woman came in her vision. “Hello,” she cooed nicely, making the child smile weakly. “How did you survive?”

Not really understanding, the child stared at the woman. They looked at each other before the woman picked the child up again, staring at the girl’s clothes. Something was etched into them…

“Mii-wa…” she muttered. “Mii-wa. Is that your name?”

The child understood mostly her name and giggled.

“Mii-wa…” the woman repeated, hugging the girl close.

Mii-wa dodged another hit. She countered it with a spinning kick. The teacher blocked her attack, crossing his arms together to form an ‘X’. He put his arms down and told the girl, now 13, “More force! Do not be afraid to hit me.”

“I’m trying, Sensei!” Mii-wa snapped. “It’s hard to hit you, let alone putting a powerful attack in.”

“Then try harder!” he growled.

They practiced for the night. When Mii-wa was heading home, she realized her birthday was today and she hurried home, excited about the presents that were to come.

Busting through the door, she called out, “Ma! I’m home from training!”

“Welcome home, dear!” her ma called from the kitchen. It smelled like chocolate cake from that direction. Mii-wa hovered into the kitchen, led by the smell. “And, happy birthday.”

“Thanks, Ma.” Mii-wa said calmly. “It smells nice.”

“Well, it is your cake. I make it special.”

“I know.”

“Oh! And your presents are on the couch that you passed.” her ma explained.

Without another sound, Mii-wa popped in front of the couch, looking at the dozen presents waiting. Only twelve… Where’s the thirteenth? There, on the coffee table. It wasn’t wrapped, but, instead, it had a tag that was to her.

She peered inside and nearly gasped at what she saw. Two small, green turtles were walking around the box. They looked up at her as she smiled.

“Ma! Ma! Thank you for the turtles!” she exclaimed.

One night, she was walking around with her turtles, coming home from a friends’ house that she wanted to show them to her. She even named the turtles already. The one that was a pretty ivory green, she name Mikito and the other one with the darker shell was Naomi.

She headed home when she was passed by a man with a glowing object held in his hands. It was a weird cylinder with glowing blue-green liquid. She turned and watched him go down an alleyway. Curious, she followed him.

A few minutes later, the man left the alley again with the object still in hand. Mii-wa jumped out from where she was hidden and bumped into the guy on purpose. She got knocked away while the small box she was holding her turtles in and the cylinder the guy was holding went flying. They knocked into each other and the cylinder broke, spilling the contents of whatever was in the object on the turtles.

Mii-wa gasped and grabbed the box where the goop wasn’t touching. The guy was gone and she ran home as her two turtles transformed.

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